How to Host a Virtual Open House

Today’s technological advancements are rapidly modernizing the real estate industry to efficiently meet the wants and needs of consumers. For instance, you can host a virtual open house event to showcase your property to potential buyers. Virtual open house tours are an incredible way to showcase your property without requiring your potential buyers to leave the comfort of their homes. Additionally, they can help you generate more leads and reach a wider audience.

As technology becomes more and more sophisticated and more aspects of our daily lives move online, virtual open house tours will only gain more popularity. These virtual events can help you attract buyers who simply prefer to keep social distance, live across the country, or are always busy. And if you want to sell your house quickly for cash, you can use a virtual tour to show cash homebuyers like Cream City Homebuyers around your property without requiring them to physically be there.

1.      Choose the right platform

Most real estate professionals are well aware of the potential pitfalls of video conferencing. Choosing the right platform that allows you to reach your right audience is important for a successful virtual open house. For instance, you can host a live virtual tour by simply using your smartphone and a video streaming platform to interact with your audience in real time.

Research on the various options to determine which best suits you and potential buyers before you schedule the home tour date. Ideally, the platform you choose to conduct your virtual open house should support call recording. However, not all potential buyers are able to turn on their mic. The availability of a chat feature will allow potential buyers to comment in the chat box without interrupting the speaker.

2.      Consider lighting and camera angles to get the best look

Although you are not an experienced videographer, you should take into consideration the camera angles and lighting. Invest in a camera that can capture even the tiny spaces, such as closets and bathrooms, in HD. Add extra lighting to the dull rooms to offer your potential buyers better insight into their dimensions.

Discuss with your support team the best spots to film from and what angles will allow incredible views. Consider doing a trial run to identify the angles that allow you to film the best presentation of your property. This will give your potential buyers the best possible perspective of your property while you still remain honest.

3.      Mobile and web browser accessibility

Your virtual open house should be accessible on browsers and mobile devices alike. This will allow your potential buyers to attend the house tour using the device of their choice. Moreover, they won’t feel inconvenienced by downloading software or apps they may not need to use again. Not every potential buyer can download an app to join your virtual open house. It’s crucial that your virtual open house be accessible from a variety of devices and platforms.


Virtual open house tours allow your potential buyers to connect with you remotely. A little bit of preparedness can go a long way toward helping you attract offers on your property. With the right preparation, planning, and involvement, you can make a remarkable impression through your virtual open house and boost the chances of locating interested buyers.

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