WS-37403-7: PlayStation Network Error WS-37403-7 in PS4

What is PSN Error WS-37403-7 that was showing on Sony’s network PSN and E3 was also affected by error code WS-37403-7

What Is WS-37403-7?

This is an error that was faced by many PlayStation users. So, this is not an error that affects your console or your region in individual cases, but these are worldwide failures of the PSN network.

The first report of this error was reported on June 13th in 2019. There have been outages on the PSN service. It affected all of Sony’s platforms, the PS Vita, PS3, and PS4.

“The PSN cannot be reached, a connection is not possible.” It was reported by the US as well as European users.

When it first occurred, PlayStation’s official Twitter handle also informed the users that the technicians are already working on a solution.

How long was the PSN down due to WS-37403-7? Can WS-37403-7 Happen Again?

Initially, there was no assessment of when the PSN DNS errors would be fixed and players in the USA and other parts of the world were unable to play their favorite games on their device for a few hours.

But within a few hours, there were indications that the problems were slowly receding. The worst part of the PSN outage was over in a few hours since Sony has engaged its team to resolve the issue as soon as possible. You should now check whether you can get back into your favorite games.

PSN Down Also Hit the E3

At the moment, the E3 trade fair was still running. There was a huge game fair at the event and the PSN WS-37403-7 was reported widely. There were also problems with the games that were being shown at E3 in other parts of the world as well.

The same day when WS-37403-7 error on PlayStation was reported, several other games also reported some errors. There had been problems with online games Fortnite for a few hours. There was a new mode there, which probably caused serious problems for the game. The new “horde mode” has now been deactivated again.

In Destiny 2 while there was also maintenance that night, but which were actually planned without server down.

Can WS-37403-7 Error Happen Again?

Since the problem or error of WS-37403-7 on PS4 and all the other platforms of Sony has been resolved now. PSN would take care so nothing like WS-37403-7 can happen again. It has been more than a year and yet no similar error has been reported.

What Was the Worst Failure of the PSN?

The worst PSN failure that we know was on January 4th, 2016. At that time, users wrote about this on hundreds of forums. That was a time when the PSN was down more often and suffered from hacker attacks. In the last few months, however, the PSN appeared more stable.

One of the attackers, who paralyzed the PSN at Christmas 2014 with a hacker attack, was sentenced to prison.

Bottom line

We, the fans of online games, are often particularly badly shaken by the failures of the PSN. But PlayStation Network and Sony overcome all the error to render the seamless experience to the users very quickly.

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