Tutanota: The Best Email Encryption Service You Need

Tutanota is an email service just like Gmail, Yahoo, and other email service but it has some other benefits and offerings which we don’t get to enjoy in other similar email services. Tutanota is totally free and provides email encryption service where every email sent is end-to-end encrypted and users get the most secure email communication. Tutanota is simple and easy to use and users will get it designed privately according to their needs. On its official website, the homepage says “the world’s most secure email service”. As we said it is totally free and open-source email service. The only way of earning for Tutanota is its premium paid subscription and donations from the volunteer users but users won’t have to deal with advertisements or ad popup while using the email service.


This German service is believed to be one of the best alternatives to Gmail. 8-year old, this site has over 2 million users across the world. It is the first email service provider that has made its app available for F-Droid and removed all dependency on propriety code. Its desktop client for Windows, Linux, and macOS is available. Tutanota is available for iOS, Android, and F-Droid as a mobile app so you can have the most secure email service on all of your devices that is free and every email transferred is safe from attackers. To use this service, you just need to register on the site which is totally free. Although, you can choose any of its premium plans if you wish to use more benefits.

Why should I Use Tutanota?

As we said already that Tutanota is one kind of email service provides all the features that no other email services are providing. So if you want to keep your email communication secure and end-to-end encrypted where no one can hack it then Tutanota is the best option for you. Here are some key features which will show why should you use Tutanota email service.

It is free and open-source – Tutanota is free to use for personal use but you can opt for its premium plans if you want to enjoy its other service or want and dedicated email communication service for your company. Tutanota is open-source so security experts can verify the codes which secure emails.

Free Secure Emails without Ads – Tutanota is free, secure, and safe email service you need. It offers services that focus only on the significant thing. Tutanota cover full service for personal use as well as for company or professional use.

Safe From Attackers – Tutanota is most secure email service is can’t be hacked so you can always be safe from attackers as your emails are secured with two-factor authentication which is dedicated to only you and it can’t be decrypted by the third person.

Encrypt Everything – Tutanota ensures that every details and attachment in the email is encrypted. Users can import all of their contacts in the encrypted address book of Tutatnota so all of your contacts can’t be accessed by anyone.

Free Encrypted Calendar – With its all other features, Tutanota provides an encrypted calendar. The calendar can be used on all of your devices and it is attached to the secure email client. The calendar can send you notifications if you set reminders which are also end-to-end encrypted.

How to create or register for free Tutanota email

Setting up and email for Tutanota is quite very easy. It is same as signing up for any other email service.

Step 1 – Just head to the signup page of Tutanota where you can create your email address and password.

Step 2 – You can set your mobile number to add more security. Tutanota doesn’t store or save your password so you won’t be able to restore it if you forget it.

Step 3 – Once you are done, you will be taken to the inbox where you have to answer a CAPTCHA question to access your inbox to use it for the first time.

Note – We recommend you to never save your passwords with your browser or any device for security and privacy.

How does Tutanota send encrypted email?

It is really easy to have encrypted email communication with another Tutanota account. So the system works securely when you are communicating between Tutanta email accounts and it doesn’t require another extra step.

But the process of sending an email to other email service requires an extra step. You can send encrypted as well as a not encrypted email to other, for example, Gmail. If you wish to send an encrypted email then you have to create a password that you can share with your correspondence using any other secure way of communication. So it becomes a full secure from attackers and hackers.

How to open encrypted email received from Tutanota user?

Tutanota user may add password security to make email communication more secure. This is how you can open the email received via Tutanota. When you open the email, you will receive a message that will redirect you to the Tutanota webpage where you have to enter the password set by the sender. This is way your encrypted communication will be secure and you can reply encrypted email using the same page that is protected by the password.

What are premium subscription plans for Tutanota

Basically, using Tutanota is free but if you want to use additional benefits provided by Tutanot then you can opt for premium plans of Tutanota. Here are premium plans of Tutanota:

Tutanota app can be used for both private and business. Here are the premium plans of Tutanota.

Free for personal use

Tutanota Premium – €12

Tutanota Pro – €60

The same rates are applied for business subscriptions as well.

Wrapping up…

If you want a secure and private communication then Tutanota is one of kind email service that provides the service of encrypted email communication. Users can use it for personal use as well as choose it for communication in a business or corporate.

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