Msmpeng exe: How to Fix High CPU Usage by Msmpeng Exe

What msmpeng exe is | Why msmpeng exe consume high CPU?

Before heading to the process to solve the error of msmpeng exe, we should know what msmpeng exe is. You might have noticed msmpeng.exe activity running in the Task Manager. MsMpEng exe can the reason for high usage of your Windows PC and sometimes, it may eat up the 100% of the CPU. Msmpeng.exe can be seen in the Task Manager under process Tab. So what actually msmpeng exe is.

Msmpeng exe

Msmpeng.exe is a system antimalware or default anti-virus that comes with Windows 10 OS. Msmpeng exe is an integral part of Windows Defender. Windows Defender is Microsoft’s default antimalware program that comes with Windows 10 OS. So, in case, if you have not installed any third-party anti-virus software on your system then Windows Defender will protect you from any threat. If you want to use another antimalware program then you have to turn off the Windows Defender.

So what Msmpeng exe does is that it scans for any malware or threat that can affect the Windows system. Along with scanning and recognizing the threat, msmpeng.exe also tries to remove such viruses that may harm the system. Usually, this process runs in the background and it may use maximum CPU when it uses more resources of the system. So, when msmpeng exe is running in the background and it might have found some suspicious malware in the system, scanning may use more CPU sometimes even 100%. Msmpeng.exe process may slow the Windows performances and functions.

Now you know msmpeng.exe is not an error or malware that may harm the system but it is actually a part of the program that saves the computer from any harm. It is essential for Windows 10 when you don’t have a third-party anti-virus program installed on your PC or laptop. You must be thinking then how could I solve the issue of high CPU usage by msmpeng exe or how to solve the problem of msmpeng exe slowing the computer down? In this article, we shall walk you through all the details and solutions to problems caused by msmpeng exe. We have described various troubleshooting to solve the msmpeng exe eating high CPU.

What to do when MsMpEng exe uses a high CPU?

If you have installed any third-party anti-malware software on your Windows then you should turn off the Windows defender and no problem from MsMpEng exe would be caused regarding CPU usage. But if there is no anti-virus program on your system then DO NOT TURN OFF Windows Defender. So we have provided some methods that shall be useful in solving the issues caused by MsMpEng exe. We would recommend you to try the given below methods one after one as any of the methods may help so do not try all of them at once.

Method 1 – How to fix msmpeng exe process eating high CPU in Windows 10

First, we have to stop Windows Defender scanning files of its own that are stored in the system. Sometimes, Windows Defenders scans its own folders and files that can eat up more CPU. So, first, try to fix this issue with this method. Steps are given as follows.

Step #1 – Search for “Virus & threat protection” in the Windows system from the search bar and open it. (Search option is given at the bottom or you can press Windows and then start searching.

Step #2 – Find and open “Windows Defender Antivirus Options”

Step #3 – Scroll down and you shall find a heading named “Exclusion”. Now click on the “Add or Remove Exclusions” option shown under the heading.

Step #4 – Now, a new window will open and click on “Add an exclusion” and again click on “Folder” in the drop-down menu.

Step #5 – In the exclusion folder list, you have to type the path to the folders and file of Windows Defender so just put “C:\Program Files\Windows Defender” in the box and complete the process with selecting the folder.

Now use your Windows system normally and MsMpEng.exe will not use high CPU and your PC will not slow down. If it does, then we would recommend you to try our next method to solve MsMpEng.exe error.

Method 2 – How to stop msmpeng.exe from slowing down your PC

If the process given above does not fix your problem then we would recommend you to “Disable Real-Time Protection” and change the schedule of Windows Defender to solve the issue caused by msmpeng.exe.

Step #1 – Pressing Windows Key with R shall open the “RUN” window. Now, type “taskschd.msc” and then click OK.

Step #2 – On the left tab, double click on “Task Schedule Library” then double click on “Microsoft” and then “Windows”

Step #3 – Alphabetically, you will find the folder “Windows Defender” at the bottom click on it. In the middle tab at the third of the total four options, you shall see “Windows Defender Scheduled Scan”. Right-click on it and open its properties.

Step #4 – You have to uncheck the box shown before “Run with highest privileges”. In tab named “Conditions”, uncheck all the options. Now open the “Triggers” tab and hit the “New”.

Step #5 – In the newly opened window, users may set a specific time and date for Windows Defender to scan. You can set the time when you use your PC less. To save the settings hit the OK.

Now, restart your PC or laptop and check Task Manager. You shall not find MsMpEng.exe running in the processes.

Method 3 – How to Fix MsMpEng.exe from eating CPU usage 2019

When both processes fail to solve issues caused by MsMpEng.exe then, try this method. In this method, we have to use the “Local Group Policy Editor” to turn off the Windows Defender program completely.

Note: But keep in mind that turning off Windows Defender when there is no third-party antivirus program, your system is at risk by threats and malicious viruses.

Step #1 – Pressing Windows Key with R shall open the “RUN” window. Now, type “gpedit.msc” and then click OK.

Step #2 – You shall see the folder named “Computer Configuration”. Open it and then go for “Administrative Templates” => “Windows Components”.

Step #3 – Here, open the “Windows Defender Program” and “Turn off Windows Defender Antivirus”.

Step #5 – Click on “Enabled” in the next window then click on Apply and finally on OK to save the changes.

Now, restart your computer and you shall face no problem related to msmpeng.exe anymore.

Final Words:

So, this is how you can fix the issue of high CPU Usage caused by msmpeng exe process of Windows Defender. But again, we would recommend you to turn off this program only if you have other antivirus program installed on your Windows. So we would recommend you try the first two methods. If they don’t work then only you have to turn off this program.

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