How to build backlinks to generate more online traffic

If you have a blog, website or e-commerce, you have two objectives: create quality content and generate internet traffic. If you have decided to create your personal online space, you probably know how to create quality content. But you probably don’t know how to generate traffic.

The easiest way to do it is to get links and backlinks from other websites to redirect their traffic to your site. The more websites there are posting links directing traffic to your website, the better you’ll rank in search web engines, generating even more traffic.

online traffic

If you don’t know how to do it, here are seven quick ways to get started!

-Relevant keywords

It doesn’t matter if your website is about sports, politics, art or anything else. You probably know your niche and you know what is relevant in that world. Take the most important keywords related to it and do a quick google search about them.

The first page of results is the most important: those are your main competitors – and the people you want to imitate. Study how they interact with their audience, the quality of their content and who they link to.

Get to know them and adapt if you are doing anything wrong. By making use of the tactics that made them successful, you are going to generate links without trying!

-Use Ahrefs or Monitor Backlinks

If you don’t know what the most important keywords are right now or you want to know which sites have links that direct you to your competitors’ websites, there’s no need to worry. You can use multiple SEO related websites, like Ahrefs or Monitor Backlinks, to get to know what’s going on. You can also hire SEO Consultant from Melbourne Seo

Those websites can tell you who’s a good and a bad backlink, what are the best SEO strategies to use and how to place keywords correctly.

-Use Spokeo

The best way to beat your competition is to know your competition – personally. If you have a little bit of information about them, like an e-mail address they have posted on their website, you can use Spokeo email lookup to find out more about them.

Spokeo reverse phone lookup is a great website that could tell you everything you want to know about anyone. For example, you could find out which one of your competitors is using social media. And how and when they are posting links to their sites on their social media profiles. That way, you’ll know their strategy and start planning how to beat them.

-Use the broken link method

A great way to build traffic to your website without much effort is using the broken link method. The only thing you have to do is look for broken links (i.e. pages that don’t exist anymore) with the use of Ahrefs and research what they were about.

Create similar content to what once was on the broken links and tell people you have the long-lost information they are looking for. It’s almost free traffic!

-Write guest post articles

A more friendly way to get more links to your website is to work for them and help other people. Look for websites and blogs that have similar content to yours. Contact their owner and offer to write a guest post for them.

The only thing you have to negotiate is that they let you sign the article and put a little link either on top or bottom of the site. You’ll have a new link in no time and probably made a good ally in your field of interest!

-Make use of crowd marketing

If you don’t mind investing a little bit of money or giving away some of your products for free, you can make use of crowd marketing. Crowd marketing is a fancy name for using influencers (aka people with a lot of followers on social media) to promote your products.

But bear in mind, people don’t trust influencers as much as they used to and your products might get a bad reputation because of it.

-Use Social Media

You have to make use of every tool you can if you are trying to build traffic to your website. The cheapest and easiest way to do it is to post your links yourself all over social media. Post them in your profiles and your friends’ profiles.

You can even do it in the biggest accounts there are and try to get some traffic out of them! The most important social media accounts have millions of visitors, and you are more likely than not to get a couple of them if they see your links.


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