Why a Reliable Password Manager Could Be the Most Effective App on your iPhone?

Enable automatic locking and set expiration time

One of the first things you should do for your device is to turn on the automatic lock and set a reasonable amount of time to pass before it automatically locks. The automatic lock can be configured to turn on in periods from “30 seconds” to “Never”. Auto Lock sets the amount of time that will elapse before your device turns off unattended and requires a touch code or fingerprint on the Touch ID to unlock the device.

How you set the time depends on how you use your device.

If you always have your iPhone in hand, you should automatically lock it for a longer time. Those users who respect mail every time at a time or use it only a few times a day might want to set it up for a shorter period.

Enable two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security for logging in to iCloud and associated devices. It allows access to your account only through devices and computers that you have full confidence in.Login Protection & Password SecurityEvery time you log in to a new device or computer for the first time, you will have to enter your password verification code, point the code to trust the new device, and this drastically improves the security of your account.

After completing the steps, you will be asked to obtain the phone number to which you would like to receive verification codes. Codes can be sent by text or phone call, so any type of phone number can be entered. Enter the number to confirm the phone number and turn on two-factor authentication.

Use “Find My iPhone”

Find My iPhone allows owners to find a lost device, accessory, or computer by displaying the last known location on a map that can be seen on another iOS device or computer.

This can help if you are not sure exactly where you lost the device. The service also allows the device to reproduce sound, which is convenient if you think it may have slipped under the seat cushion or fallen into a drawer.

You can also remotely lock and send a message to your device, notifying the device finder of how they can contact you.

As a last resort when all else fails, you can send a command to the device to clear all personal data. The device stays connected to your iCloud account, preventing anyone else from resetting the device and using or selling it. Now, if you lose your iOS device, you can see its location on a map, send a message to anyone who may have found the device, or lock it or delete it if necessary. Also, since the “Send the last location” option is turned on, your device will automatically try to send the location to Apple if the device’s battery reaches a critically low level. There you will be able to see the location of the device, tell it to make a sound to alert you to its nearby location, or lock or delete the device. A folder will appear showing all the devices, computers, and accessories you’ve enabled “Find My iPhone.” To narrow the view to the device you’re looking for, click the drop-down at the top of the folder labeled “All devices.” Click on the name of the device you are looking for. Only that device will appear on the map.

Rating of Features for Keeper Password ManagerKeep your device up to date with the latest version of iOS, so that you are protected from any security holes or other problems. Apple is announcing a major upgrade to its iOS operating system every fall, with the introduction of its new flagship iPhone. The new operating system offers new features as well as fixes for all security holes discovered during the previous year. The company also performs periodic “release points” for the rest of the year, which are intended to solve any problems that researchers and users find in the operating system.

Occasionally, Apple and security researchers find security flaws in iOS. (All operating systems have security holes – that’s just a sad fact of a modern computer.) Apple regularly updates iOS to insert those security holes.

Upgrading to the latest version of iOS is easy and can be done either in life or via iTunes. Always make sure you back up your device before updating your iPhone or iPad, just in case there is a problem.

Setting the password for your device

No matter where you use your iPhone or iPad, it’s never a good idea to leave it unprotected by your device’s code or by locking your fingerprint via Touch ID.

At the very least, you should lock the device with a password, you should also lock it with a fingerprint through Touch ID – or in the case of iPhone X, Face ID.

With hundreds of login websites and apps you probably need to remember, Password Manager prevents you from reusing your password. Various password managers are available today. For example, let use Keeper Password Manager. This app supports syncing via iCloud, no matter where you add a new login or change your password, both devices always have the latest versions ready to use. This security tool provides your protection another layer with features like dark web protection, KeeperChat, which is an encrypted chat service, and much more. The password managers that you create every day allow you to store password managers and then revoke them for use with a single password. This encourages users to use different passwords. They offer several useful features, keeping secure notes and other types of information, all protected by encryption.

KeeperChat Encrypted Services

Many password managers on the iOS platform also offer the option of unlocking via Touch ID or Face ID. This removes the requirement to remember even a single password, reducing the unlocking process by simply pressing the fingers you used for Touch ID or looking at the screen using Face ID.

Before selling your old device, you should always take the time to delete all your data. The process also resets the device, so it will be ready for the next owner, without fear of being able to access any of your information.

Before deleting your old iOS device, always make sure you have a good backup so you can restore apps and settings to your new device. This makes things a little easier – unless you simply enjoy starting from scratch with each new device.

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