Veuem Scam or legit? is an online shopping website that sells various products like portable chargers, jewelry, kitchen tools, electronics, and more at heavily discounted prices. At first glance, the deals and prices on Veuem seem too good to be true. The website claims to offer free shipping worldwide on orders over $39.

However, there are several red flags that indicate may be a scam website rather than a legitimate shopping platform.

Red Flags and Scam Indicators

There are various suspicious signs about Veuem that suggest it is likely a scam operation to avoid:

Part of a Scam Network

Research indicates is part of a larger network of scam websites with similarly suspicious characteristics. These include sites like Cureee, Hokamartket, and more. This network uses bait and switch tactics to lure customers.

Copied Legal Pages

The policies, terms of service, and legal pages on Veuem are copied word-for-word from other scam websites. This lack of original content is a major red flag.

Lack of Contact Information

No business address, phone number, or identifiable information about the company behind Veuem is provided. This lack of transparency prevents customers from verifying legitimacy.

Anonymous Company Details

The domain is registered anonymously and the owner’s identity is hidden. This shields the scammers from accountability.

Fake Social Media Accounts

Veuem provides social media links, but the accounts either don’t exist or are inactive. Authentic businesses maintain active social media engagement.

Unrealistic Discounts

Veuem claims to sell products at discounts up to 70-80% off retail prices. These “deals” are unrealistic and likely bait customers into a switch and bait scam.

Negative Customer Reviews

There are no positive reviews of Veuem on independent consumer sites. However, many negative reviews report never receiving items ordered or getting cheap knockoffs instead of advertised products.

Stolen Content has been accused of stealing content from other online stores. This includes:

  • Product images copied from authentic brand websites without authorization
  • Product descriptions plagiarized from other retailers
  • Fake celebrity endorsements using unauthorized images

This lack of original content demonstrates the illegitimacy of Veuem as a scam operation.

Lack of Social Media Presence

Despite claiming to be a major retail website, Veuem has no identifiable social media presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. There are no customer reviews, posts, or engagement on any social platforms.

This lack of social media footprint is highly suspicious and abnormal for a legitimate e-commerce business in 2023. It is a sign Veuem seeks to avoid scrutiny.

Lack of Transparency

There is a complete lack of transparency on the part of, including:

  • No company information or documentation of incorporation
  • No physical address or contact details besides an email
  • No identifiable information on owners or operators
  • No explanations of business practices

This lack of transparency makes it impossible for customers to verify Veuem’s claims or trustworthiness.

Customer Experiences

There are no positive customer experiences to be found for Veuem. However, many negative reviews and scam reports exist, including:

  • Customers receiving cheap counterfeit items or used products instead of promised new merchandise.
  • Customers receiving completely different items than described on the site.
  • Customers never receiving any items at all after payment.
  • Zero customer service response to complaints about undelivered goods.

These experiences indicate Veuem is a scam website that engages in bait and switch tactics and transaction fraud.

How to Avoid Scams exhibits clear signs it is an illegitimate scam website that consumers should avoid. Here are tips to avoid falling victim to such online shopping scams:

  • Research unfamiliar sites for scam reports and reviews before ordering.
  • Beware of sites with no contact details, physical address or identifiable owner.
  • Do not trust unrealistic discounts or deals that seem too good to be true.
  • Avoid sites with no social media presence or customer engagement.
  • Use credit cards when shopping online for fraud protection.
  • Don’t provide personal or payment information to unverified sites.

Conclusion displays multiple red flags that identify it as a fraudulent scam website engaging in deceptive tactics to defraud customers. The lack of transparency, stolen content, bait and switch complaints, and lack of social media identify it as an untrustworthy e-commerce platform. Consumers are advised to avoid Veuem and other similar scam websites to protect their interests. Careful research into sellers is required for safe online shopping.

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