Top 5 Tools Every SEO Copywriter Should Check Out

SEO copywriting demands from the writer to excel in two fields. You need to write a content that is optimized for search engines and at the same time, the content should engage the readers, persuade them to keep reading till the end, and lastly, get them to take action.

It’s important to have the right tools if you want to put your skills to use and provide your client with an effective content that is optimized and purpose driven. Here are the top five must-have tools that every SEO copywriter should take advantage of.

1. Live Keyword Analysis

Keywords are an essential part of SEO. However, if you overuse them, the content will lose its flow. In order for that not to happen, you should aim for the keyword density of 0.5-2.5%.

Live Keyword Analysis is a tool which will help you to achieve that. It is a free web-based keyword calculator that checks the keyword density of your unpublished content.

This calculator is free and very easy to use. Just paste the copy, specify the keywords, and let it do its magic.

Keyword Analysis

Another alternative for a keyword calculator is Keyword Density Analysis Tool. However, this tool checks the keyword density of a given webpage, not of the unpublished text.

2. Google AdWords

This is certainly one of the most popular SEO advertising tools. We have all seen the paid ads that pop up when we google something, well that is the work ofGoogle AdWords.

If you want to attract the attention of the right customers, this is the tool for you. When you sign up for Google AdWords, just provide them with the keywords and the rest is up to them.

The next time someone googles those words, your website will show up as a paid search result.

3. Copyscape

When someone is paying for your services they expect originality and you need to deliver it.

Melissa John, an editor at GrabMyEssay and a contributor to Huffington Post explains, “Even if you would never copy someone else’s work intentionally, it can happen that you have some thoughts that you previously read in the back of your mind and you end up using them in your content.”

Use Copyscape to make sure that your content is authentic. It is a free web-based tool that checksthe content of a single webpage, compares it with other content on the web, and lets you know if there is any duplicate.

There is also a paid plan which allows you to check the content for duplicates before it gets published.

4. Grammarly

No one will be interested in reading the text which is full of mistakes and errors. That is why every copywriter needs to use some kind of a proofreading tool.

Grammarly is a free proofreading tool that checks your writing as you go. The app will automatically mark all the mistakes you have made and offer the solution. It will also save you some time since you’ll be doing the proofreading along with the writing.


There is a paid or premium version as well which offers a more in-depth analysis.

Even if you get the help of some paper writing services with the creation of the content, you can still double check it and run it through Grammarly.

Another great tool that checks your content as you write it and eliminates the need to spend time proofreading is Ginger Software.

5. Spider Test Tool

The content you create needs to be valuable to the audience and to search engines as well. If you want to know how your site is viewed by search engines, Spider Test Tool, a search engine spider simulator will help you with that.

George Davis, a copywriter and editor at TopEssayWriting explains how this handy tool works, “Spider Test Tool grabs the source code of the page and tries to show it in the same way as how a search spider may see it. With this tool, you can confirm that your link partners are still linking at your site.”

This tool will show you the following:

  • Meta tags
  • Page size
  • Source code
  • Keyword breakdown
  • The number of unique words
  • The number of outbound links
  • Common words and phrases

Spider Test Tool will help you to optimize the site for a better ranking on search engines and speed up the webpage load time for better usability.


No one can argue that copywriting is a demanding career and when you add SEO to it the pressure is double. That is why you need to arm yourself with some great SEO copywriting tools that will be your confidant along the way.

If you want to achieve the balance of creating a content which is ideal for both readers and SEO, the above tools can help you to realize that and will make your life much easier.

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