The Latest and Greatest Waterproofing Options for Personal Technology

If you have ever dropped your smartphone into a fountain, sink filled with water, swimming pool or — yes, toilet — you know that sinking feeling of “oh no….” quite well. In recent years, even the quickest dunk into the water can render most personal devices unusable, which means the loss of precious photos, important contact information, emails and more. While some people are able to resurrect their soggy devices by sticking them in a bowl of rice for hours, many more simply have to bite the proverbial bullet and replace their smartphone or tablet — not exactly a cheap endeavor.

Fortunately, there have been some key advancements in the world of waterproofing trends and designs found in consumer technology products. For example, check out what companies have done to achieve better waterproofing as well as steps you can take to help dunk-proof your smartphone.

O-rings to the rescue

Both o-rings and custom seals play a key role in waterproofing smartphones, cameras, and other electronic tech devices. One of the leading suppliers of these small yet crucial pieces is Apple Rubber, which performs comprehensive product testing and can tailor their seals to ensure the best possible outcomes. The manufacturer currently offers more than 7,000 sizes of o-rings and a tooling process that is able to add more sizes on a daily basis. For budding entrepreneurs who are in the process of designing tech devices and accessories and need to find a way to keep them waterproof, Apple Rubber is an outstanding resource — you can use their online o-ring search to find the specific pieces you need and/or reach out to the sales department for a custom requirement.

Nano coatings can also help shield tech from H2O

In addition to dropping a phone or tablet into water, our devices are also repeatedly exposed to moisture through humidity, rain and sweat. To help protect them from all types of water, Semblant created a MobileShield waterproofing technology through the form of a protective chemical coating that is applied directly to the internal parts during the manufacturing process. The delicate internal products that go into making personal tech devices can be loaded into a vacuum chamber, where the air is extracted. Then, thanks to Semblant’s innovative process, a series of precursor gases and liquids are pumped into the chamber and each surface within is covered with a nano-thin plasma coating that is permanent, water-resistant and protective. Thanks to these steps, moisture that works its way into personal tech devices — either from an accidental fall into water or that build up over time from everyday use, will not be able to damage the sensitive internal circuitry.

DIY sprays and waterproof cases

As YourStory notes, consumers can also take waterproofing matters into their own hands. If you own an older smartphone that might not have the latest waterproofing technology, you can purchase a waterproofing spray like NeverWet. Open up your device and spray the interior components with the waterproofing spray, which should help make your tech device virtually impenetrable by moisture. Another relatively easy and cost-effective option is a waterproof case—please note, this is not the snug case that fits around your smartphone, but rather an insulated pouch that you carry your phone in. For instance, Amazon offers the PHOOZY insulated and weatherproof phone case that offers protection against water as well as snow, heat and drops.

Water doesn’t stand a chance

It is reassuring to know that when it comes to protecting your expensive and important personal devices from the dangers of water, many companies have your tech’s back. From Apple Rubber and its vast selection of seals and o-rings to Semblant and its special coating to the other DIY choices, we can rest assured that a dunk into water or exposure to moisture over time should no longer ruin our precious devices.

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