Software development companies in Europe

IT industry means the ability to create products and provide services from anywhere in the world. It doesn’t matter where the team is located if it offers practical solutions for business. Software development companies in Europe set lower rates for work compared to the United States. This statement is especially true when it comes to Eastern Europe. At the same time, the quality of the finished products and the experience of the developers are at a very high level. Therefore, outsourcing in the field of programming is becoming more popular every year. And to make it easier for customers to choose, trust resources create ratings for top software development companies in Europe.

Software development

The list of software development companies in Europe


The company was founded in 2013. At the start of the project, 50 employees worked. Now the number of developers has exceeded 250 people. The company has two headquarters in the United States and Ukraine. The main activities:

  • Analysis and creation of large scalable databases;
  • Development of blockchains;
  • DevOps development;
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning;
  • Integration of payment gateways;
  • Quality testing.


The team was also founded in 2013 in Ukraine. Currently, the main office is located in Lviv. Two hundred fifty engineers work there. The main tasks that the company solves daily are:

  • Custom software development;
  • Cloud computing;
  • Mobile platforms;


The team is located in Warsaw. The opening took place in 2015. Despite the short period of existence in the IT market, the brand managed to win the title of best mobile application development according to the American rating of Clutch. The company’s products are used in the following areas:

  • Transport and logistic;
  • Warehouse operations;
  • Business administration;
  • Trade;
  • Health;

Tips For Hiring The Best Software Development Company

The success will depend on how accurately you define the selection criteria. Ask yourself some questions. Answers to them will tell which team to give preference:

  1. In what area does the company specialize? There are always several areas in which company employees are more reliable than others. A portfolio of ready-made projects will give you an answer to how much your vision of prospects relates to the capabilities of developers.
  2. How many people will be involved in your project? The larger the task, the more specialists and technical means will be required. This applies not only to the timing of the job but also to the quality of work.
  3. The location of the team may affect the quality of communications. If the time zone difference is more than 3 hours, this will make meetings difficult. To agree on simple details, you have to wait for the start of the working day in the region of performers. And sometimes urgent questions have to be put off until tomorrow.

Conclusion on technology companies in Europe

Now that you’ve become familiar with the best software development companies in Europe, it’s time to act. If you have selected several teams with similar experience and portfolio, personally contact each applicant. If a company representative answers questions and consults in detail, it makes sense to continue cooperation. For example, at Mangosoft, it is enough to leave a request on the site for experienced professionals to analyze your business or idea. Also, pay attention to the willingness of developers to immerse themselves in your project thoroughly. Ideally, during a collaboration, a team of outsourced engineers should be part of your team.

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