RING technology in lottery

Random and Insured Number Generator (RiNG) technology is driving innovation in the lottery industry. Lottoland (the developer of RiNG technology) announced the launch of RiNGscratchcard in 2018 with £10million as the top prize. The scratchcard allows players to become deci-millionaires; an opportunity that is very hard to find in other places on the globe. The players have an opportunity of winning a large lump-sum prize than they would win on any other online or land-based scratchcards.  

RING technology in lottery

The unique prize insurance scratch cards, instant win and casino games model is revolutionizing the gambling industry in addition to allowing Lottoland to offer large prizes in betting. RiNG allows the customers to win big jackpots instantly with Lottoland’s proven and trusted insurance infrastructures insuring the prizes. As we have stated, the technology is live and players can access some of the available games. 

Why betting sites have accepted the technology from Lottoland

RiNG technology in the lottery world has allowed casinos to offer players better odds than the traditional scratchcards the National Lottery offers – the chance of winning is 1 in 1.7.  Unlike you expect with many other offers, gamblers do not have to worry about whether the casino has already paid out the top prizes because the chance of winning is always high each time.

The innovative RiNG technology has helped Lottoland to expand their portfolio with many high prize scratchcards. The launches are likely to make them more attractive to the gaming world. Many other online casinos are adopting the technology too. That is because RiNG allows game studios to insure their jackpot prizes – by underwriting all the prizes through Lottoland’s Insurance infrastructure. Third-party casino and game operators can also use the RiNG technology to build high-prize or jackpot games and insure them through Lottoland. 

The Head of Corporate Affairs at Lottoland, Laura Pearson, claims that technology is helping them drive innovation within the whole sector. She also claims that the technology is not only powerful for betting sites but for the B2B businesses too. Nigel Birrell, Lottoland’s CEO added that the growth of online scratchcards in the world has necessitated innovations.

More about the RiNG technology 

As we said, Lottoland has implemented RING technology in online lotteries, but that does not mean that RiNG is a simple technology. The Lottoland’sinhouse developed RiNG technology is based on a combination of new landmark technologies and technologies that have existed for many years. The used technologies include:

  • Hardware Random Number Generator (RNGs) “Quantis Appliance” that delivers true quantum randomness
  • Two instances installed for failover and redundancy 
  • Certified RiNG application built on the base of the future driven technology stack.
  • Multi-layer protected and secured environment with a trusted time-stamping mechanism that guarantees tamper-proof results.

Combination of the above technologies allows gamblers to win prizes/jackpots instantly and Lottoland’s prize insurance underwrites it. Insurance-Linked Security (ILS) stands at the centre to ensure that the whole process is smooth. Consequently, the need to feed the jackpots through the contributions of gamblers does not exist because the insurance can seed them. Lottoland’s CEO, Nigel Birrell says that the leading betting operators on the globe are working with Lottoland Solutions to offer lotto-betting services to players. 

About hardware RNGs 

One of the things RiNG relies on is hardware RNGS. Hardware RNGs are also known as random number generators because they determine numbers from hardware and not a computer algorithm. Generally, they measure physical phenomena in the form of noise such as atmospheric noise and change it into electrical signals, often 0 or 1. By sampling adequate times, the hardware RNGs generate a long series of random bits to form a number between X and Y. Apart from the use in the lottery gambling industry, hardware RNGs are used in cryptography. 

Cryptography requires detailed numbers that hackers cannot guess easily. Online gambling websites cannot use the same numbers severally and they want the numbers to appear in unpredictable ways so that the hackers can never guess them. The hardware random numbers are very important for secure encryption, whether the casino has an HTTPs website or they encrypt their files.

To make everything easier for the developers and generate the random numbers, Lottoland adopted Intel chips, which include hardware-based random number generators known as RdRand. The chip relies on a selective information source and sends random numbers to the software after the software requests them. That helps keep the generated numbers safe from hackers.


The popularity of online scratchcards is on the rise throughout the world. Lottoland’sRiNG technology has changed the game. The technology has given gamblers to win deci-million jackpots. The winning odds are also better than those of the National Lottery scratchcards. And unlike other operators who sell online scratchcard, you will never worry that another person has won the top prize when buying the card.

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