Pink Whale Challenge: A Good Alternative to Blue Whale Challenge | How to Prevent Your Kids from Dangerous Games

Introduction: What is the “Pink Whale Challenge” and How It Is Different from the “Blue Whale Challenge?”

The “pink whale challenge” is an internet phenomenon in which players are given a series of tasks that encourage players to self-love. This game is totally opposite to Blue Whale Challenge game that gives increasingly difficult tasks to complete. It all begins with the player being asked to enter their name and to take a photo of themselves in front of a white background. If they are successful, they are then asked to share the photo on social media and tag three friends. 

Blue Whale made several headlines a few years back because several players committed suicide to complete the game’s tasks. So, at that time, Pink Whale Challenge came into existence as a friendly alternative to the Blue Whale challenge. The purpose of the game is to make the player feel the importance of life. It became one of the most searched games when Blue Whale Challenge game was banned in most countries.

How to Play Pink Whale Challenge?

The pink whale challenge can be played in two ways, either by completing the tasks set out by the challenger or by playing with your own rules. It has been reported that most people who play the Blue Whale game end up feeling suicidal due to the pressure they place on themselves to complete the challenges, but Pink Whale Challenge, on the other hand, encourages life and loving inner self.

It teaches people the value of life by giving tasks that will feel theme alive. Thus, Pink Whale Challenge is a game that is the alternative to Blue Whale Challenge.

Can Pink Whale Challenge Be a Good Alternative to Blue Whale Challenge

The Pink Whale Challenge is an alternative to the Blue Whale Challenge. The challenge first started as a joke and has since been used as a way to help kids and adults cope with depression and anxiety.

The Pink Whale Challenge is an alternative to the Blue Whale Challenge. It is different in that its tasks focus on life, not death. Anyone who completes the challenge receives a certificate of completion for an accomplishment they should be proud of. This is not exactly an “app” but more of a challenge that asks you to do tasks at your own pace.

Four Reasons to Play Pink Whale Challenge

While the blue whale challenge is a dangerous game that can lead to death, Pink Whale Challenge is harmless.

  • It encourages players to love themselves and be happy with their life.
  • It also teaches them the importance of family and friends.
  • It provides opportunities for the player to take care of themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and socially.
  • It is one way of being aware of how society has shaped us

Pink Whale challenge list:

Day 1: Write “I am beautiful” on your hand

Day 2: Think about yourself, your friends, and your family

Day 3: Listen to some relaxing music and go to bed early

Day 4: Take a bubble bath and play with the bubbles

Day 5: Draw a heart on your hand if you think your life is worth it. If not, “punish” yourself by going to bed early

Day 6: Watch satisfying/relaxing videos

Day 7: Do something that makes you happy

Day 8: Have some dessert after a meal

Day 9: Spend an hour outside watching the clouds

Day 10: Write “I am worth it” on a piece of paper until you believe it

Day 11: Stay up late doing whatever you want; eating, drawing, watching movies, etc.

Day 12: Smile at yourself and make silly faces in a mirror

Day 13: Give somebody a good, long hug

Day 14: Go to the mall or online shop; you don’t need to buy anything 

Day 15: Wake up early to watch the sunrise

Day 16: Do your best on everything you do

Day 17: Tell your family members you love them and give them a hug 

Day 18: Doodle hearts on your hand or on paper

Day 19: Spend time with friends or family and take some time to meditate 

Days 20-29: Repeat previous days and be kind to yourself and others

What Parents Should Know About the Game and How to Protect Their Kids

Parents are at their wit’s end when they hear about these new games that are being played on social media. It’s hard to keep up with all the new challenges that are being created, but below I will list some of the most recent ones.

The first one is called the “BLUEWHALE CHALLENGE.” This game has taken over Instagram and Snapchat and encourages young kids to take part in dangerous tasks like stealing money from parents or vandalizing cars. The game is not only dangerous, but it is also illegal in most places, so it would be best to steer your children away from this game before they get into any serious trouble.

Another popular game is called “Fortnite” which has become addictive for both adults and children alike. There are many other games that are just as addictive or more so than Fortnite that should be monitored closely by parents.

While there might be some benefits of playing the game, it also has many risks and dangers that could damage a child’s mental health. The first step for parents to take is to raise awareness and educate themselves and their children about how dangerous this challenge can be. It is important for parents to know about the game and how to protect their kids from it.

Parents should be aware of the risks of these games. The game has been linked to suicide and depression in kids. Parents should be mindful of the content they are showing their kids and monitor what they are doing on social media networks. Games like Pink Whale Challenge can be good alternatives to such dangerous games.

4 Important Tips to Protect Your Kids from Dangerous Games

#1 Monitor Your Child’s Activity

The first step is to monitor what your child is doing on their device. This includes monitoring the apps they are using, the websites they are visiting, and the games they play. Knowing your child’s interests will help you better protect them from dangerous content.

#2 Play Educational Games with Them

The second step is to play educational games with them. You can find these free online or download free games for kids on iTunes or App Store. There are lots of educational games that teach children about topics like math, science, reading, writing, history, and geography. Having fun while learning also helps make it easier for children to learn new things.

#3 Talk to Kids About Cyberbullying

The third step is to talk to kids about how they should never provide personal information online. They should be educated about the dangers of cyberbullying, and young children should be warned about playing games with strangers. You should not allow them to play games that involve adults of anonymous users from all across the globe.

#4 Set Time Limits for Their Screen Time

The fourth step is to set parental control on your kids’ gameplay activity. They can get distracted by any game they find on the internet. The good thing is that parents can set time limits on their children’s screen usage. To do this, you need to set up parental control on your kids’ gameplay activity. You need to set times limits so that they won’t be able to play once they reach their limit. This is a very important step for parents because it will help them set rules and limits.

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