How to Turn Off Live Caption in Chrome?

We live in a world where we are slowly and gradually becoming more and more reliant on the latest technology for different purposes. From our entertainment to our learning experiences, we are reliant on the same for a variety of options. However, what you need to realize is that too much of anything can become off-putting.

Turn Off Live Caption in Chrome

The live caption feature on Chrome is a hit or misses among users. While some individuals genuinely enjoy the functionality, some are often a lot more sceptical about it. Typically, we’d recommend using this for easy transcribing needs. But, it is also true that they come with a lot of complications that you don’t want to get into.

If you have your live caption feature turned on Google Chrome, there are a few roundabouts that can help you fix that for good. This article will highlight them all out for you.

What is a Live Caption?

The Live Caption feature on Chrome is the function that transcribes the audio in real-time while you are watching a video on there. Users also have the option to mute the audio or even the video while you solely focus on the transcription that is popping up on the screen.

This is an extremely useful feature for individuals who aren’t familiar with a specific language and need captions and transcription for the same. This also works great for deaf people who want the transcript to keep up with the context of the audio or video running on the screen.

How to Disable Live Caption – Desktop Edition?

So, if you have the live caption feature enabled and you don’t want to use it in the meantime, there are a few ways you can tackle that. Our first introduction is with the desktop version since that is the most commonly used option.

Typically, with the desktop version, you need to follow the mentioned steps to be able to sort out and disable the live caption feature.

  • You can find the disable option under the “Media Control Menu” in Chrome
  • You can find the toggle in the Chrome settings.
  • From there, you first need to check if the Live Captions feature is enabled in your Chrome settings or not. 9/10 times it is enabled.

Next, you need to follow the steps mentioned:

  • Start by opening Google Chrome and then navigate to the “Settings.”
  • From there, click on “Advanced” and then “Accessibility.”
  • Under that, find the “Live Caption” option and disable the toggle.

The process is pretty simple and works seamlessly across any desktop that you are using. Just ensure that you are signed in with your Google account.

How to Disable Live Caption – Android Edition?

Now that we have shared some easy steps to disable the live caption via desktop, the next point of focus is with the Android devices.

Unlike the process, we follow on Chrome, the same is a lot different with the Android devices. All you have to do is follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Start by switching on your Android device and then navigate to your home screen.
  • From there, you need to click on the Volume slider button and select the Live Caption toggle present underneath.
  • Find it and click on it to disable the live caption option from there.

This will restrict any kind of live caption that pops up on your smartphone henceforth. This feature is designed for enhanced accessibility of disabled people. So, if you don’t find it functional, you can disable it according to your needs.

How to Enable Live Captions in Chrome?

Now that we have shared the easier ways to disable the live captions, let us share some ways you can enable the same too. Keep in mind that this accessibility feature is primarily designed and developed for the ease of disabled people. So, if you have anyone accessing your desktop or smartphone with a disability, having this feature enabled will help them out in multiple ways.

Following is how you can enable the live captions function:

Via Chrome Settings

The easiest and most accessible way to enable it is via the Chrome settings. It was first introduced in Chrome version 85 and has been available since then. It is now an integral feature in the application that you can make the most use out of.

Here’s how you can enable it without any complications:

  • Open your Google Chrome browser
  • Navigate to the top right corner to the Menu options
  • Under that, select Settings
  • Navigate to the Advanced option and then to Accessibility under that
  • Find the “Live Caption” function under that and enable it

The steps are seamless and pretty much what you’d do when you are disabling it. So, if you were confused before, we hope this article gives you a clear insight into the process now.

What are the Benefits of Live Captions on Chrome?

The feature was launched back in 2019 and the growing popularity of the same has insight it to become a stable feature henceforth. If you are confused about its benefits, let us walk you through each of them.

The good thing about this feature is that it includes subtitles to any app or video or audio that you are watching while browsing. The feature works by downloading the speech recognition files and then captioning them accordingly.

It is an essential feature used by disabled people to keep up with the context of the videos or audios that they are watching. It is also available on Android smartphones for easier navigation and user experience.


Live captions, as convenient as they are, can be a pain sometimes. Unless you are disabled and need the captions every time you use the smartphone or desktop, the constant popping message can be a little daunting. Don’t worry though because we have shared every last detail that you likely need to know about disabling this feature and using it according to your convenience. In case you have any further queries, feel free to leave them for us in the comments.

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