How to Opt-Out of Emergency Alerts iPhone?

Emergency Alerts are designed to grab your attention; thus, they can be loud and annoying. This siren-like alarm often raises goosebumps, especially if you’ve been zoned out for a while or sleeping peacefully at night.

But what if you can disable them for eternity? Wondering if it is really possible or if we are just playing a prank. Well, then please choose the former option, as opting out of Emergency Alerts is definitely possible, and that too without workarounds.

This tutorial covers a step-by-step guide to getting rid of those annoying and gurgling notifications. So, shall we take off? Buckle up, as the guide will take you through all the necessary instructions involved in the process.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Turning Off the Emergency Alerts on iPhone

Without wasting any second, let’s elaborate on the complete process of disabling emergency alerts on your iPhone. The process is simple and doesn’t require additional legwork. Here’s a quick rundown of guidelines to follow.

  • Begin the process by visiting the Settings app (represented by a Gear icon) on your iPhone.
  • There, you must scroll down to the Sounds and Vibration option.
  • Tap “More Settings” and select the “Wireless Emergency Alerts” option.
  • Finally, toggle off “Allow Alerts” and you are done.

Types of Emergency Alerts

Now that you know how to turn off the Emergency Alerts on your iPhone, let’s move on to the types of alerts you can receive on your device. They are classified into four less-dangerous-sounding Cell Broadcast headings. Scroll through them and make yourself aware of what alerts you are actually turning off.

  • Extreme Threats

These are often classified as threats to your property ad life, such as natural disasters like hurricanes, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, etc. When you turn off emergency alerts, these notifications will automatically turn off and can do more damage than good. If you live in any of the disaster-prone areas, it’s advised not to turn off these notifications.

  • AMBER Alerts

The second most common type of emergency alert is an AMBER alert. These are location-specific notifications launched with the aim to locate a missing child. AMBER mainly stands for America’s Missing Broadcast Emergency Response and was introduced after a horrific kidnapping and killing of a 9-year-old child, Amber. Such alerts display all the information about the missing children or any other details that may help you locate them.

  • Severe Threats

In addition to AMBER alerts and extreme threats, these emergency alerts also include severe threats, which are less serious than natural disasters but may put your life and the property at risk. There could be certain situations where you must stay at home for some reason. There’s no need to evacuate or take extreme measures to handle such threats.

  • Presidential Alerts

Last but not least is Presidential Alerts. Such notifications are issued directly by the country’s President and hence, considered extremely serious. These alerts often fall into the extreme alerts category, and you must have to follow them without fail.


Although Emergency Alerts come with various benefits, these notifications can sometimes feel frustrating. Their loud, siren-like sound can pop your heart out, especially when you are sleeping or attending some important business conference.

But there’s no need to worry about it, as now you can turn these alerts off in a few simple clicks. Follow the guide mentioned above and get rid of those unwanted notifications and messages for a while. However, it’s advised not to shut them off permanently; otherwise, you can miss some important alerts, which might make or break your life. Please get in touch with us for more important information about Emergency alerts.

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