How To Increase The Performance Of Your Android Smartphone

Similarly to all mobile operating systems and desktop operating system, Android performance does tend to go down after the smartphone has been used for a period of time. The mobile operating systems are all lighter and faster, allowing you to take advantage of what they offer as you are on the move. However, after use, sometimes even after just a couple of months when actively using the device, everything starts to be slower than before.

The good news is there are so many things that you can do. Unless you have a horrible smartphone that should be replaced anyway, here are some changes and tweaks that will help you to increase Android smartphone performance.

Use Common Sense

We have to start with the basics. You need to know all the drawbacks and capabilities of the phone you use. This allows you to avoid the most common mistake made: using apps that are resource-hungry. Be sure that you take into account all the specifications of your smartphone and that you use it in an appropriate way.

Update Android

Most smartphone users never update Android. You need to only use the very latest firmware available. This is because of the simple fact that new improvements are added to every single Android OS release. This includes stability updates, better performance speed and user-friendly features you may want to use instead of some apps that consume way too many resources.

As an extra tip, make sure that you update your apps as soon as a new update is available. Many Android users have automatic updates disabled. A great way to avoid having apps that are not updated is to simply activate automatic updates.

Remove All Apps You Do Not Use

It is so easy to forget about an app that was installed a long time ago. Most apps run some sort of background process and storage space is utilized. If a lot of storage space is occupied and background processes are too resource-hungry, the phone becomes slower.

One of the easiest ways to increase Android performance is to simply keep only apps that you use or need. The other ones, if you use them just from time to time, can be disabled. You can then just re-enable the apps when you have to use them.

Change Your Memory Card To A High-Speed Model

High-capacity memory cards are highly useful, especially when the smartphone does not have a lot of internal memory. However, many users just buy one and never replace it. Try to use the very best memory cards because they are a lot faster.

Use Fewer Widgets

Apps just run as you activate them but widgets always run. There are users that utilize such widgets to track weather, important dates and other purposes. While widgets can be useful, if there are too many activated, it is a certainty that Android performance will suffer. Choose those widgets that you actually need and remove those that are not often used.

Do Not Use Live Wallpapers

Android has a live wallpaper feature that does look great. Many manufacturers actually ship their smartphones with live wallpapers. What most users do not know is that these use a lot of the device’s CPU. Battery is drained faster and as the home screen is activated, both live wallpaper and apps run.

Stop The Sync Features

The possibility to sync your content across various devices is definitely advantageous. However, this happens as processes are refreshed at preset intervals. This reduces Android performance. Although it does not consume as much as other things, if you have performance problems, this might be the little extra that you need. Just keep Sync activated for the services that are useful for you, like checking your email.

Update to a New Phone with 5G
Yes this is the most obvious and only goes if you can afford to purchase a new device. But if you can, then we would recommend grabbing a phone with 5G capabilities. At the moment there are approximately 15 phones that support 5G in the current market. They will range from $700 – $2000 and offer a number of features. 5G is the future and within a couple of years we will probably see just about every new smartphone release with 5G. It’s one of the ways that will no doubt increase the performance of your smartphone.

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