5 Best App Marketing Techniques

No matter how amazing or efficient your app is, it is basically worthless if no one gets to use it. And while you must have put in a lot of work to build it, getting it out there requires even more work. But with the right tactics, you can make sure your hard work gets appreciated by a lot of users.

So, how do you get people to see, know about and even use your newly launched app? Well, here are some really powerful tips;

Understand your Audience

Perhaps the very first step to successful app marketing is to clearly know who it is made for. You need to make intensive research about the type of market base you have to chase. You need to understand the type of users you retargeting, where they can be most found and how they respond to such a product.

Size-up the Competition

You also need to keep an eye on your opponents so as to know what they have been up to. Keep tabs on their techniques and how they’ve gone about their own marketing. Note their errors and sure shots. This way, you get insights on how such apps can be successfully marketed, keeping you ahead and original.

Use Social Media

Your biggest audience will come from platforms that encourage interactions, so do not sleep on this. Make your app known to users of various social media platforms as they can generate a lot of buzzes. Post articles and videos showcasing what your app can do. Make sure though, that your messages appeal to the kinds of users you find on each site.

Use Influencers

Using your effort to promote your app is commendable and even brings good results. But you’re targeting great, not good. This is where influencers come in. Find people with a substantial amount of following on various social media and strike an agreement with them. Make sure though, that their audience is relevant to what your app has to offer.

Optimize! Optimize!! Optimize!!!

Your app will stand out if it can be easily located or suggested on the internet, so you need to optimize. Make sure your app title contains keywords that generate the heaviest traffic on app stores. Don’t forget to also apply SEO (Search Engine Optimization) not just on the app but also the marketing plans you’ve kicked off. These include SEO link building, email marketing, video marketing, advertising, previews, teasers, and blogs dedicated to promoting the app.


In a world where app marketing is considered herculean, knowing the best strategies can help turn the tide in your favor. These simple, yet effective techniques are solid enough to help raise your app out above the crowd.

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