How to Find the Best Outsourcing Team

A distinctive feature of modern Internet projects is the ability to transfer development to a third-party specialized company. This can only be done in part of the tasks. Full cycle product development is also popular. Usually, development includes several stages. Each of them can be divided into microtasks. This chain is performed by a third-party IT company. We are talking about outsourcing software development process. To enjoy the results of cooperation with IT outsourcing companies, read our next article.

Outsourcing Team

Best Practices for Finding an Outsourcing Company

To find the ideal IT outsourcing partners, you need to conduct your own market research. Explore outsourcing software development trends. Then, at the initial stage, it’s worth deciding whether the terms of the commands are right for you. The customer most often wants to get a high-quality development of an individual project. Thus, you need to start by defining clear goals. The next step is to weed out unsuitable candidates. It is worth conducting a personal interview with several suitable development groups. If you follow the tips, corporate development outsourcing will save the company’s time and budget.

Pick Right Parameters to Choose Right Partner

By leveraging the experience of your predecessors, you can avoid some costly mistakes. We recommend one of the modern IT project management methodologies:

  • Agile is an effective method of project management related to software development. You will be able to organize work and respond to unforeseen situations. Each development cycle follows only after the successful completion of the previous stage.
  • Scrum is part of the Agile framework. This control mechanism people use in combination with other schemes or separately. In this case, the emphasis is on the key points of development. The task of the team leader is the need to identify in advance the weaknesses of the project. Among them are unrealistic requirements for the cost or time of tasks implementation. Sometimes people can’t see the discrepancy between the requirements and the selected technical means.

Finding the best team through friends and colleagues is the most reliable way. It’s worth to consider developer portals such as Clutch, Reddit, Craigslist, Smashing Magazine.

The 3 Best Outsourcing Development Companies and Services

We have chosen three different options for outsourcing cooperation. The manager of any type of project will be able to find a suitable performer among them:

  1. Toptal is an online platform that brings together developers from all over the world. The high level of registration requirements ensures an excellent level of services provided. It brings together specialists working with different technologies and programming languages ​​from the most popular to the rarest.
  2. Fireart Studio is a Polish company with offices in Warsaw, USA and the United Kingdom. The main activity is software design and development. The team is always open to new ideas and perspectives. Interest in web development is also reflected in the corporate blog. For example, at studio/blog/frontend-trends-2018-5-best-javascript-frameworks, readers will learn a lot about frontend development trends.
  3. SimbirSoft agency specializes in the complex development of any IT products. The list of services includes testing at all stages and information security. A large staff allows you to choose any tools for project implementation: Java, C #, Bitrix, PHP, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Go, C ++ and Swift.


It is difficult to overestimate the profitability of IT outsourcing. Use our tips to find the best engineering team for your business.

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