How to Find PlayStation Wrap-Up

for PlayStation users. It gives you insights into your gaming habits on PS4 and PS5 over the past year, highlighting statistics like your most played games, total hours played, trophies earned, and more.

As the year 2023 is coming to an end, PlayStation has launched the 2023 edition of Wrap-Up, allowing PS gamers worldwide to reflect on and share their gaming achievements over the past 12 months. Let’s find out how you can access your own PlayStation Wrap-Up for 2023.

What is PlayStation Wrap-Up?

The PlayStation Wrap-Up is an end-of-year experience that gives you a data-driven flashback of your gaming year. It summarizes your PS gaming habits, and shows you statistics like:

  • Total number of games played
  • Most played games
  • Total hours spent gaming
  • Trophies unlocked
  • Your personalized gaming style based on the genres played
  • Monthly breakdown of top games

The Wrap-Up compiles all this data into shareable digital cards and infographics that you can post on social media or share with friends. It’s a great way to look back at your gaming accomplishments for the year.

When is PlayStation Wrap-Up Released?

The PlayStation Wrap-Up goes live in mid-December each year. For 2023, it was launched on December 12.

The Wrap-Up experience will continue to update with your PS gaming data until December 31, 2023. This allows it to provide insights based on your entire year of gaming when you revisit it.

You can access and share your PlayStation 2023 Wrap-Up anytime between December 12, 2023, and January 12, 2024. During this period, your Wrap-Up will showcase full-year data.

How to Find Your PlayStation 2023 Wrap-Up

Finding your personalized gaming year in review is easy. Follow these simple steps:

1. Visit the PlayStation Wrap-Up Website

Go to the PlayStation 2023 Wrap-Up website on your phone, tablet, or computer.

Alternatively, you can simply search “get my PlayStation wrap up” on Google and click the first link.

2. Login with Your PlayStation Account

When prompted, sign in using your PlayStation Network ID and password. These are the same details you use to login to a PS4 or PS5.

If you have multiple accounts, make sure to use the one you played games on this year.

3. View Your Gaming Stats

After logging in successfully, click on “Let’s Find Out” to view your PlayStation 2023 Wrap-Up.

You will now see various statistics about your PS gaming habits over 2023 in an easy-to-navigate slideshow format.

4. Share Your Gaming Achievements

At the end of the Wrap-Up slideshow, you can access shareable digital cards highlighting your top gaming stats for the year.

Download these image files to post your proudest PlayStation gaming achievements of 2023 on social media.

What Game Stats Does the Wrap-Up Show?

The PlayStation 2023 Wrap-Up slideshow gives you detailed insights into your gaming year. Here are some of the stats shown:

Total Games Played

The first section shows the total number of games you played on PS4 and PS5 in 2023. It also tells you the first game you played this year.

Most Played Games

Next, you see your 5 most played games ranked by total hours. It also shows hours played and trophies earned for each title.

Gaming Style

Based on the genres you played, the Wrap-Up assigns you a gaming style persona like “Explorer” or “Completionist”.

Monthly Top Games

View your single most played game in each month of 2023. See which titles dominated your gaming time across the year.

Total Hours Played

Find out your total gameplay time on PS4 and PS5 in 2023. See how many full days you spent gaming.

Trophies Earned

See how many trophies you unlocked across games in 2023. Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum trophies are all counted.

PlayStation Wrap-Up 2023 Bonuses

Exclusively for viewing your full PlayStation 2023 Wrap-Up, you can also redeem:

Unique Profile Avatar

Get a special themed avatar for your PlayStation Network profile by accessing your Wrap-Up.

PS Stars Digital Collectible

A Spider-Bot digital collectible from Marvel’s Spider-Man is available to add to your PlayStation Stars showcase.

These bonuses are only available until January 12, 2024 so make sure to view your Wrap-Up before then.

Who Can Access PlayStation Wrap-Up?

The PlayStation 2023 Wrap-Up experience has the following eligibility criteria:

  • You must have a PlayStation Network account registered in an eligible region
  • Your account must be aged 18 years or above
  • You must have played games on PS4 or PS5 for at least 10 hours between January 1 and December 31, 2023

Additionally, European PS5 users must have consented to share full system data. While European PS4 users need to have agreed to share additional data.

If you meet these requirements, you can view your personalized gaming year in review.

How to FixPlayStation Wrap-Up Issues

Some users may encounter issues like the Wrap-Up website not loading properly or displaying errors. Here is how to get around them:

Try Again After Login

Sign in to the PlayStation website or PlayStation Store first before attempting to access Wrap-Up. This sometimes resolves loading errors.

Refresh After Error Message

If you see the “Application error” message, refresh the page and try loading again. Quickly click “View My Page” during the loading screen.

Reduce Server Load

There may be high traffic on Wrap-Up servers causing login issues. Try accessing it a few hours later when fewer people are online.

Revisiting the Wrap-Up site after a day or two often works if loading problems persist initially.

Share Your PlayStation 2023 Stats

A key part of the Wrap-Up experience is being able to share your proudest gaming achievements from the past year with friends and other gamers.

At the end of your Wrap-Up slideshow, you can access stylish digital cards highlighting your top stats like the most played game, hours played, and trophies earned.

Download these shareable images and post them on your social media profiles, messaging apps, forums, and gaming communities.

Compare stats and gaming accomplishments with other PlayStation gamers as you reflect on an amazing year of entertainment on PS4 and PS5!


The PlayStation 2023 Wrap-Up provides a personalized, data-packed gaming year in review you can access anytime between December 12, 2023 and January 12, 2024.

It offers great insights into your PS gaming habits over the past year by showcasing your top played games, total hours spent, trophies earned, and more gaming stats.

With the ability to share your proudest gaming achievements of 2023 via social media-ready digital cards, the Wrap-Up facilitates gamer discussions and stat comparisons across the PlayStation community.

So login to your PlayStation account on the Wrap-Up website today and take a trip down gaming memory lane by exploring your PlayStation 2023 journey.

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