How to Boost or Increase your Computer Speed – [2021 Edition]

We all want to know how to boost or increase computer speed. well, I have a solution for you. Well, it’s 2021 now, and we all want fast computers that are not slow and open everything quickly. There have come many new software and applications for Windows, but they require high-end hardware requirements. They slow down your PC and overeat RAM which doesn’t allow you to do multitasking efficiently.

I use the below tricks to make my PC and Laptop run a bit faster which helps a lot because it reduces lag. It also makes your software opens and closes more quickly while running in the background.

Well less talking more tutorials, there is an app that I will mention below that boosts pc performance by dialogue times. It will be easy-to-follow and will benefit you from lots of different ways.

Let’s Boost the Speed of your Computer

The real question comes down to this that will provide the software I am going to download and install will be worth it? Yes, it is. It has worked for me and many of my friends so it should work on your side as well.

First of all, you will need an internet connection and a bit of space on your hard drive so the programs can get installed.

Please Note: This tutorial is for users only running Microsoft Windows operating system.

1) Limit the Apps on PC startup

As we all know whenever we turn our system on we get those annoying pop-ups or have to wait until the computer has fully loaded.

You can do this by going through the steps shared below, please make sure you follow them correctly or otherwise results will not be good.

You will have taskbar click on taskbar > open task manager > find the tab with ‘Start-Up’ written on it > and select the apps you want to stop, press disable or enable.

Ok now what this will do is it will limit the applications that run when you turn on your computer. That’s it!

2) Disable Unusable services in windows

Below Steps to Disable Unusable services in windows.

  • First off all Open the Control Panel.
  • And go to the System and Security.
  • Next to Choose Administrative Tools.
  • And then Open the Services icon.
  • That to have a see the Locate a service to disable it.
  • Again use the list at the end to help you decide which services to disable.
  • Just Click the Name column heading to ensure that the services are sorted alphabetically.
  • Double-click the service to open its Properties dialogue box.
  • Choose Disabled as the Startup type.
  • By choosing Disabled, you prevent the process from starting when the computer starts.

You have notes that the service original stats: Automatic or Manual. Just in case you need to re-enable the service, you should know how it was configured before you changed it.

Just click OK to confirm your choice, and you should close the dialog box.

When you’re troubled about compatibility, or that your computer may work unacceptably after disabling a service, restart Windows.

After that, the system starts again and tries it out for a while to make sure that things are working well. Then continue or, if there’s a problem, re-enable the repair to Automatic or Manual or whatever the previous setting was.

You should again repeat step 4 through 7 as required.

And Close the Services window when you’re done.

While optionally, close the Control Panel window.

3) Clean all junk files and folders data

Did you know that whenever you delete or install an app on your system it makes lots of folders and data that is junk and eats up space? Well, the downside is that you cannot physically delete those folders as it will take too long for you to find them in the first place.

I have a fix for you who will save you lots of time while deleting such files including browsing history, system cache, and uninstalled apps left-behinds.

Ok, so what do I have to do to get all of this junk out of my computer? The answer is Ccleaner. You can get this app by clicking the download button below.

What you see above is the software that I just mentioned. It is straight forward you will just need to install it then click on ‘Analyze’ and give it about 2 or 3 minutes. After that press ‘Run Cleaner’.

4) Scanning your PC

While browsing your windows pc it will boost Computer Speed automatically. Your Viruses and malware are also affected to slow down speed pc. So keep your pc virus and malware-free. And here too can get and install an antivirus program. But keep in mind, auto-protect mode of antivirus programs are also slow down the pc. So after the scan, the pc for viruses and malware, disable auto-protect mode to increase pc speed.

Read: How to Use Avast Internet Security License File and Keys

 This is all folks hopefully this should boost your PC’s performance and decrease load times of applications. Please let me know in the comments if I missed any tricks or tips in increasing computer speed

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