How the Internet Can Get You Through College

The internet is a wide web of resources that, when used properly, can provide value that is impossible to calculate. It can also be a tremendous time distraction and fuel for procrastination. If you can find smart ways to use the web and resist the temptation to waste time, you may find your college years a little easier.

College Internet

Learning Resources for Everything

It can be hard to replicate the experience of sitting in a lecture hall, but the internet allows you to get close. Regardless of your major, you are sure to find videos of lectures online to support the class. You will also find study guides, discussions, and many other resources. Whether you are taking online classes or in-person, having a range of learning resources to help you can be exactly what you need to navigate a difficult class. The internet also makes it easy to work on group projects in a way that allows everyone to contribute without being together physically.

Find Low Cost Credit Options

Taking out student loans is part of most people’s educational process. The loan allows you to earn a degree that will make it easier to find a job and earn a living throughout your life, so they are worthwhile, but no one wants to borrow more than they need. Several online resources offer classes for free or at a very low cost. These courses transfer to colleges for credit. They often have established relationships with many colleges, which means your credits are guaranteed to transfer. If your college is not on their list of partners, it does not mean your credits will not transfer. Look for programs that offer ACE-accreditation to improve the likelihood that your school will accept the credits.

Affordable Textbooks

Textbooks are an expensive part of any educational journey. The internet allows you to bypass your school’s bookstore and find textbooks at a more affordable price. Whether you are looking to buy from a more affordable retailer, buy a used copy of the book you need, or rent the book for the semester, the internet is full of options.

Tools for Research Access and Citation Help

While you do need to learn how to properly cite research, the online citation tools help ensure you have everything formatted properly before submitting a paper. When writing papers, you often need access to research papers. The idea of heading to your college library to request these papers, which often comes with a wait time, is unappealing. Fortunately, you may find exactly what you need online. Learning to search for scholarly research on the internet is an important skill and can save you a good deal of time and frustration throughout your degree. It is also a skill that will come in handy throughout your career.

Allows Flexible Scheduling

Even colleges that are mostly brick and mortar often have some online options. This can be a great way to move your education forward. Taking one or two online classes over the summer will not get in the way of working or enjoying your summer plans, but, over your college career, can allow you to graduate a semester or two early, or earn a double-major without extending your graduation date.

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