Essay Writer vs. AI Writing: Unveiling the Plagiarism Predicament

Each piece of written information needs to be unique. Unique texts have the highest value, whether an essay or a diploma, a blog post, or a social media tweet. It is especially relevant for the academic field. Even the shortest paper has to present something unique. However, it is a challenge to write a unique text. Patterns, cliches, and copypasting plague any sort of written material.

One of the sure ways to secure your text originality is to apply to professional writing services. People may browse paper writer reviews or similar resources and pick a service they like. However, companies of experts are not free of charge. Not everyone has resources for professional writers. At this point, AI writing tools come to help.

AI writers are a convenient tool for writing essays. They can provide excessive information on complex subjects. Besides, students may complete articles much faster than they used to. Still, the issue of plagiarism is present.

This article overviews the peculiarities of each writing assistance tool and how to make unique texts out of them.

The Issue of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is using someone else’s work or ideas without proper attribution. It can take various forms, including the following types:

  • Direct copying
  • Paraphrasing
  • Patch writing.

 It poses significant risks and consequences in academic and professional settings, such as:

  • Damaged reputation
  • Academic penalties
  • Legal repercussions.

Moreover, the ethical implications of using AI-generated content without proper attribution cannot be ignored.

Essay Written by Professionals

Expert academic help centers are a long-living part of the educational market. Essay writers have existed for a long time and provide a wide range of services. Students may apply to them for regular editing to full-fledged diplomas. Professional academic help services can pull off any task. The question remains only in price, which is usually steep. It is especially true for urgent requests.

Regarding originality, professional essay writing services always deliver the job right. Expert writers know not only writing techniques. They possess the necessary research skills and professional tools to ensure the essay’s originality. Therefore, when you apply to a professional resume writing service, you get original work.

Regarding ethical regulations, essays written by experts are credible and do not violate academic integrity. Ultimately, it is up to students how to use such papers. They may become a short-term solution. However, if students do not develop their research skills, it may become a bigger problem.

AI Writing
AI Writing

AI-Powered Essay Writing Tools

Usually, when we need an essay, we need it fast. A student may apply to a service like paperwriter or something similar. Yet, it may cost a pretty penny in the end. AI-Powered writing tools become a valuable asset.

AI writing bots are not inherently trained to be academic advisors. Yet, advanced natural language processing training and massive corpora of texts allow them to provide students with qualitative texts.

A student may receive a full-fledged essay in a couple of clicks. However, AIs cannot generate original ideas. They mix and match data that already exist in their storage. The result usually has a very high plagiarism score. It will take much more time than necessary to complete such an essay.

AI Writers vs. AI-powered Tools

There is no direct answer to the question, “Which tool is better?” Expert writers provide students with high-quality work on time. Yet, such work may cost a lot. Besides, finding a reliable writing service can be a challenge, too. Generally, services with high ranks are reliable. Yet, even the most trusted companies may disappoint.

AI-powered writing tools are not the better alternative. They can do texts quickly and without payment. Yet, the high plagiarism score will make work even more lengthy and tedious.

One of the possible solutions to this dilemma – is to combine the strengths of both approaches to eliminate their weaknesses.

Finding a Balance

How to reach a balance? The best way is to assign the bulk of the work to AIs and then delegate the polishing work to an paperwriter legit to ensure quality. AI-powered writing tools can provide outlines and generate ideas. If you struggle with the ideas for the essays, AIs can help.

If the essay is too urgent, you may write an article via an AI-writing tool and order an editing service from a professional company. Usually, editing cost less than a full-fledged essay. In that way, you will save time and money.

This approach may seem like a loophole in the academic system, but it is not. It is essential to develop personal writing and research skills. At some point, a student may face a challenge that AIs or professional writers could not solve. Therefore, the tools are assistance in learning, not substitutes.

Bottom Line

Finding a balance between AI-powered writing tools and professional essay writing services is crucial to ensure unique and high-quality texts. By leveraging the strengths of each approach, students can save time and money while maintaining originality and integrity in their writing. Striking this balance will enable students to navigate writing challenges efficiently and ethically.


Q1. Are there any plagiarism detection tools available to identify AI-generated content?

Yes, there are plagiarism detection tools that can help identify instances of plagiarism, including AI-generated content. These tools analyze the text for similarities with existing sources and provide a report highlighting potential matches and areas of concern.

Q2. What steps can educational institutions take to address the plagiarism predicament associated with AI writing?

Educational institutions can raise awareness about the risks of plagiarism. They can educate students about proper citation and attribution. Besides, they can implement plagiarism detection systems to identify instances of academic dishonesty. Additionally, incorporating critical thinking and writing skills development in the curriculum can discourage overreliance on AI writing tools.

Q3. How can AI writing tools be improved to mitigate the plagiarism predicament?

AI writing tools can be enhanced by integrating sophisticated algorithms that promote originality, encourage proper citation practices, and provide real-time feedback on potential plagiarism. Additionally, clear guidelines and ethical frameworks can be developed to guide the responsible use of AI writing tools, emphasizing integrity and academic honesty.

Works Cited

  1. Brandt, Sebastian. “AI Plagiarism Checker: Detecting the Undetectable AI? – Kanaries.”, 8 May 2023. Accessed 12 June 2023.
  2. Eliot, Lance. “Legal Doomsday for Generative AI ChatGPT If Caught Plagiarizing or Infringing, Warns AI Ethics and AI Law.” Forbes, 26 Feb. 2023. Accessed 12 June 2023.
  3. “Utilizing AI in Essay Composition: An Ethical Dilemma.” 4Writers, 30 Apr. 2023. Accessed 12 June 2023.
  4. Reich, Rob. “Now AI Can Write Students’ Essays for Them, Will Everyone Become a Cheat? | Rob Reich.” The Guardian, 28 Nov. 2022.
  5. Wilhite, Prof Stephen, and Khaleej Times. “Academic Integrity and AI – Universities in a Dilemma.”, 7 June 2023. Accessed 12 June 2023.

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