How to Solve “Demonologist Voice Chat Not Working” Issue?

Games are consistently evolving and one name that deserves a special mention in the list is Demonologist. This captivating ghost-hunting adventure has come off as a pretty enticing gameplay, thanks to its interactive user experience.

The game is still in its primitive stages, which means that some of the users are experiencing issues with the individual features and functionalities. To be fair, it is a lot more common than you think. Amidst all, the “voice chart not working” issue has become quite prevalent.

If you are playing Demonologist and experiencing similar issues, you have come to the right place. This article will explore all the potential causes and ways to fix the error.

What is the Demonologist Voice Chat?

First look at the name of the game and the feature is bound to make you question a lot of things. What is this feature? How does it work?

The voice chat feature in Demonologist is an integral option that allows the players to communicate with each other inside the game. With this, you can not only speak with your teammates for guidance, you can interact with the opponents.

In short, the voice chat feature amplifies the usability of the game. However, while it simplifies collaborative features, you can’t deny the fact that not being able to use this feature also comes with a lot of challenges.

What are the Reasons Behind “Demonologist Voice Chat Not Working?”

Before we familiarize you with the list of fixes for the game’s voice chat option not working, we must understand the reasons behind it.

There are quite a few reasons that deserve a special mention:

  • Microphone issues– The most common reason why the voice chat feature isn’t working is due to microphone issues. It is either not connected or enabled in the game. We’d recommend you check the audio settings on your PC to see if the microphone is enabled properly.


  • Voice chat settingsissues – Another configuration that you need to prioritize when it comes to the voice chat option not working is cross-checking the voice chat settings. If not configured properly, they might prevent the game from accessing the voice chat settings.


  • Firewall issues– If the firewall in your PC is enabled and it is inhibiting the Demonologist game’s voice chat feature, that’s another potential reason why you aren’t able to use the voice chat settings as normal.


  • Voice chat server issues– The last potential reason why the voice chat feature on Demonologist isn’t working is due to server issues in the game. This is beyond your control, so all you can do in this case is remain patient.

Now that you have an idea about the list of potential causes, you must look into the fixes as well.

Ways to Fix “Demonologist Voice Chat Feature Not Working”

If you are experiencing these persistent errors while playing Demonologist, you must find ways to fix the issue before it ends up affecting the gameplay experience.

Following are a few fixes you can try:

Cross-check the audio settings

Sometimes, the reason why you aren’t able to access the voice chat feature is due to disabling audio settings on your PC. Hence, cross-checking can help you navigate through the problem without any hassle.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Open the audio settings on your PC
  • Cross-check to see if the microphone is enabled and turned up
  • Adjust the input level for a comfortable hearing experience

Switch to a different microphone

Sometimes, the issue lies in the external hardware that’s connected to the PC. If you are using a separate microphone for your games and the video chat feature isn’t working, there could be errors with the microphone. What you can do in that case is switch to a different one.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Connect a separate microphone to your PC
  • Open the Demonologist’s settings
  • Find Voice chat settings
  • Select the newly connected microphone as the input device

Restart the game or the computer

Sometimes, nothing is wrong except for a temporary software bug or glitch. It could be in the game or on the PC you are playing the game in. Either way, what you can do is restart the game or restart the computer for safe measures.

Once done, relaunch the game and see if the problem persists. If not, you know that it was a temporary glitch.

Update the audio drivers

If you haven’t updated the audio drivers in your PC in a long time, that’s another potential reason the voice chat feature on Demonologist isn’t working as seamlessly as it should.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Open the manufacturer’s website of the PC you use
  • Find your PC model
  • Navigate to the audio driver section
  • Look for available updates
  • Download and install them to update the audio drivers on your PC

Reinstall the game

If none of the above fixes are helping you out, the last resort is to uninstall and then reinstall the game. Sometimes, we don’t realize this but errors happen during the installation process, making it impossible for you to use the game as normal. In that case, certain features start malfunctioning too.

Uninstalling the game fixes that error for good and allows you to navigate through the game as per normal. Once uninstalled, always reinstall the latest version of the game.

Contact support team

The last resort is to leave the issue with the professionals. Reaching out to Demonologist’s official team will help you navigate through the issue and find a better troubleshooting fix.


If you are struggling with the “voice chat feature not working” while playing Demonologist, chances are that you’d have to find an immediate fix. Voice chat communication is an integral part of the game, which means that not having access to this feature will affect the gameplay experience. We hope that the tips we have sorted for you in this article will help you identify the error and fix it without any hassle.

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