5 Tips to Choosing the Best Virtual Reality Headset

Retailers sold 22 million Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) headsets in 2017 according to CCS Insight. CCS Insight expects this figure to rise to 121 million by 2022. VR headsets will account for 92.3 million of these sales. Interestingly, consumers will have a hard time selecting a particular VR headset because hundreds of brands will be available. Therefore, developing a guideline for choosing these devices is important as more and more players enter the marketplace. Here are 5 tips to choosing the best Virtual Reality headset.

  1. Go for Standalone VR Headsets if Possible

Three kinds of VR headsets exist. More specifically, you can buy tethered, mobile, or standalone headsets. Each one of them has its sets of advantages and disadvantages. For example, the quality of image fidelity and head tracking is better on tethered headsets than it is on mobile ones. However, standalone headsets are the most convenient option for you because they operate without the use of additional software. In other words, they have an in-built display and smartphone unlike mobile or tethered headsets.

  1. Examine the Quality of the VR Headsets

Examining the quality of the lens on this device would tell you whether it is worth buying. Remember, lenses help you focus on the images displayed by the device. The higher the quality of the lens, then they better the focus on these images will be. Examining the material used to make this device is an excellent idea as well. Is it made of hard plastic? This material offers you a low level of protection as you use it. Is it made of foam? This material is better than plastic is when it comes to VR devices.

  1. Do You Feel Comfortable When Using It?

Virtual Reality is revolutionizing entertainment in today’s world because it offers people a personalized and vivid experience. However, limitations on this experience exist. For instance, watching TV may be more comfortable than using some VR devices. Remember, people wear these headsets and they keep them in place for a long time. Now imagine wearing something that feels awkward, itchy, or painful. Therefore, the design of the VR device should be perfect. It should be easy on your skin, eyes, and the contours of your face.

  1. The Level of Immersion That You Feel Matters

VR technology refers to a computer-generated experience that occurs within a simulated setting. VR relies on auditory, visual, and haptic feedback systems to make this experience as realistic as possible. Unfortunately, some devices fail when it comes to making it realistic. Therefore, your perception of being physically present in another world is low. Go for a device that gives you the maximum level of an immersion experience. Doing so would make your experience with VR unforgettable.

  1. The Cost of the VR headset That You Want

The difference in pricing for VR headsets is mind boggling. Some are less than $100 while others can cost as much as $500. In most cases, the price variance between VR devices results from the different features that each device has. In other words, the more expensive a device is, then the more costly it is. However, some VR headsets are expensive for no good reason. Fortunately, you can determine whether a VR headset is worthwhile by checking reviews from authoritative sites. For instance, check this Onn VR headset review on TechFuturae.com.

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