5 jobs you can try during lockdown

The entire concept of working has turned to innovation in the last few months, and so did other aspects of life, because of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. Many businesses are closing, people are moving, changing jobs, and finding new ones.


In this tornado-like scenario for billions of people, staying at home remained one of the few things we can be sure of. This way, more and more people began working from home. And the truth is that this is not just a present need, is the way businesses and individuals adapt to these past years.

There are quite a lot of jobs which can be done remotely, and so are the jobs that people start or at least try during their time at home.

Here are five jobs to try while in lockdown:

Make YouTube videos.

Using the world’s biggest video platform to monetize your recording skills may be the good idea to have in these days. There are countless topics and subjects to start from when it comes to creating videos and posting them online. All you have to do is find out which of your ideas and things you are good at can be catchy and can have an impact on people. On lots of people that is.

To get started, a reliable smartphone will do the right thing. Then, after finding what will you provide to the YouTubers, just create a channel, and start uploading it to make it popular. As the number of subscribers grows and the videos are more and more watched, that is the moment where the money start rolling in.

Have a blog.

But if you want to be off the spotlight, there is always the written part of the Internet. And having a blog is one of the most common online social interactions. You don’t have to be a great or successful writer to have a blog, but instead just have the thoughts and things to write. And that’s about all.

There are a few steps for creating a blog, like picking a name and a blogging platform, and getting a host for the domain. After this, posting on topics which reflect a hobby or a passion, with the focus on certain theme or simply on personal life experiences, will be the starting point to have followers.

And then there is the question on how to make money from blogging, once the blog is up and it starts having traffic and its visibility increases each month. Well, there are tools to generate online income, like Google Adsense. You can also use affiliate marketing and promoting certain products and services.

Web development.


One of the jobs with the highest demand nowadays is that of a web developer. Coding and web design are skills which help you not just in a regular job, but also when being a freelancer. And from there the opportunities are plenty, especially given that many companies outsource this activity.

Content writing.

Or you can as well write content for many contractors. There are recruiters who are continuously looking for people who have a very good grammar and with great knowledge expertise in an increasingly wide range of topics. The demand is very big indeed, especially for quality web content – that is, well researched and written. As for the job itself, being a freelancer in this regard has way more pros than cons when it comes to making money.

Be a teacher.

School has also moved online in many countries – being kindergarten or college –, so the same did the teachers with their classes. These days, you can teach private lessons online which will help you add some extra cash in your wallet. Mind though that a good earning comes from a certified qualification, so that feature is a big plus.

With the outbreak of coronavirus disease, the job market has changed dramatically. Fortunately, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. If you would love to find a job, there are many available jobs on Jooble during lockdown you could pay attention to and then apply for. Good luck with your search!

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