Why You MustUse Videos Within Your B2B Marketing?

Now that B2B Marketing is at an all-time high and most companies are using it to their advantage, it has become extremely important for brands to always stay at the top of their games when it comes to marketing, or else the competition will surely kick them out of business.

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One thing that will take your marketing game to the next level is to incorporate video content into it. It has been reported that approximately 86% of businesses incorporatevideos in their marketing strategies, and around 93% believe that videos are vital to the marketing of their business. If you can create eye-catching videos or make them informative to the consumers, there is a sure shot probability that it will garner you more attention for your brand. It only takes 13 seconds for a video to grasp its viewer’s attention, which is easy to do if you fill that with extraordinaire visuals or layer it with music for people to continue watching. As long as your videos have the material that B2B executives will search for, you will rank well on Google or other search engines, especially if you upload them on YouTube.

Now, if you wonder why videos do so much better for Marketing than other means, here are four solid reasons:

1.            More Comprehensive:

Videos generally give its makers more chances to shed light on the brand, and hence they can explain the business in a better way. It allows you to explain literally anything, however difficult it may seem on a piece of paper. You can also pair the explanation with graphic visuals, which would explain the concept much better, which is why so many brands spend billions to get their product reviewed on platforms such as YouTube.

2.            Ideal for Mobile Users

With people spending most of their free time glued to their phones, marketing content needs to appeal to mobile users. Videos and mobile go hand in hand since 90% of the consumers claim to watch videos on their phones. You must keep in mind that the video content you create must cater to the visual experience of mobile devices, so you not only show them a cool video but also draw in more customers.

3.            Videos build trust

Video content usually garners more attention due to its engaging nature. It also has the ability to ignite emotions, and this is the reason why YouTube Stars have been awarded the ranks of celebrities. These social media influencers are a powerful source for the marketing of brands as they can not only inform the consumers of it but would also vouch in the confidence of your brand.

4.            Google adores Videos

Videos can drastically increase the number of visits your website has, and this would gain points in Google’s book, so it would start prioritizing your webpage above others. Recent studies have shown that you are 53 times more likely to show up on Google if you have a video embedded on your website; hence, Google prioritizes video content over text.

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