Using Experience Analytics in Safety Management

It’s the goal of all business and safety professionals to prevent workplace injuries. Having a safety program that is both strong and successful is important to any business. Investing in a successful workplace safety software that helps to predict injuries and reduce fatality is always a good investment. It is possible to predict future workplace injuries by collecting sufficient data on the level of safety in the workplace then analyzing the data to give accurate solutions.


Safety management systems that have an advanced level of experience analytics can be used to give better conclusions and more accurate predictions to prevent future injuries. If the system detects a work hazard it triggers an automated alert that deploys preventative measures to avoid any further injuries.

Can experience analytics replace people in safety management?

The answer to this question is no. No matter how advanced safety management systems are, they cannot replace people. They should only serve as a second opinion to provide more accurate information to safety professionals. Managers were making safe good predictions and allocating the necessary resources to prevent any workplace injuries long before these advanced safety systems were put in place. However, now with effective analytic records, they are in a better position to check their predictions and hypothesis using a more accurate prediction model.

A safety management professional might base his or her predictions on their past experiences which will in not cloud their judgment. However, a computer will only base its predictions on collected safety data and give accurate predictions without any bias. It is very unlikely that computers can replace people. Safety managers and computers need to work hand in hand to successfully implement the safety procedures. The computer uses experience analytics to give accurate information to the safety managers who put in place the correct and preventive measures needed to prevent the predicted injury from happening.

Why do you need experience analytics?

In order for you to answer this question, you need to ask yourself some questions.

One, what are you trying to achieve with this safety system? Are you just trying to collect data to impress the company shareholders and answer questions on company safety procedures and regulations? If that is your goal, then a basic data report will suffice.

However, if you are more interested in finding solutions to deeper questions on how to optimize your response to injury response or how to predict injuries before they happen, then analytic data is what you need. Getting this advanced system running will not come cheap. However, the impressive results your company will achieve will be an investment worth paying for. This safety analytic system will be worth much less the amount you pay a safety consultant and insurance premiums every month for your employees.

Safety is a primary goal for every business. Putting in place a system that makes the workplace an injury-free zone will go a long way in increasing productivity.

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