How to Know If US9514901185421 Is Fraud?

The rate and frequency of cybercrime are increasing at an alarming rate and one of the most common phishing scams that people are falling prey to is the US9514901185421 USPS scam. It has been gaining a lot of traction recently and for the right reasons.

Not only have people lost their money to this scam, it has also led to identity thefts and other consequences that could otherwise have been avoided easily. Since many people aren’t aware or up-to-date with the recent scam processing, not being aware of such frauds is common.

This article will explore more about the US9514901185421 USPS Scam and how you can distinguish the fake from the original USPS messages.

What is the US9514901185421 USPS Scam?

Before we take you through the steps to distinguish between real and fake US9514901185421 USPS messages, let us understand what the scam is about.

The US9514901185421 scam has been making the rounds on the internet recently where consumers are receiving messages from “USPS” citing that their package can’t be delivered due to an incorrect address. To fulfill the delivery, they provide a link in the message and the consumer has to click on that link, fill out the relevant details, and then submit those to reprocess the order.

While this is something the original USPS does sometimes as well, it has mostly become a scam right now.

In the provided link in the text message, the scammers redirect the users to a fake USPS website where the users have to enter their details, pay a certain fee, and even enter their credit card details. This information is then recorded by the scammers.

How do I know if the US9514901185421 Message is Real or Fake?

As we mentioned, tracking-related issues are common with USPS. So, how do you distinguish which ones are genuine messages and which ones aren’t?

Following are a few factors that are a telltale sign that the message is fake:

  • Strange phone numbers– USPS is a registered and trademarked official company, which means that the communication that they forward to their consumers will be done officially via official numbers and not strange phone numbers.
  • Lack of information– Most of the USPS scam messages include two to three lines and then a random link that the customer is asked to click and fill out the relevant information. This is another red flag.
  • Unofficial URL– The link that’s provided in the message is the most common giveaway of whether the email is from USPS or a scammer. If you find that the email has an unofficial website link, that’s another sign that it is a scam.
  • Settlementamount – Some of the USPS scammers now want some money upfront while scamming people. It has become one of the most common modes of scamming people. So, if you find that the scam USPS message is asking for “a settlement amount”, that’s another sign that it’s a scam.

If you receive any of these kinds of messages that warrant this to be a USPS scam, you must pay extra close attention to the text messages. There’s no point hurrying through things because that will end up causing even further chaos.

How do the Scammers Conduct the USPS Scams?

We often think that USPS Scamming is limited to text messages but that isn’t the case. To make the whole situation seem very authentic, the scammers go a step ahead to analyze your tracking ID and then run it in USPS’s database to track where the package is in real-time.

Scammers are skilled and have the power to circumvent the whole situation to make things look in their favor. They are also great manipulators, which means that if you aren’t careful, it is very common to fall into their scams and end up losing your money in the process.

So, if you come across any suspicious emails or messages on your phone, it is best you either ignore them or delete them.


The US9514901185421 USPS scam is on the rise and if you aren’t paying close attention to the issue, it can end up affecting you as well. What you want to do is prioritize alertness and safety. If the messages are from unauthorized sources, you should avoid them.


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