Top 10 Travel Technology Trends for 2021

Technology is playing a significant role in the growth and development of different sectors. Brands use it to discover the needs and preferences of each customer. It goes without saying that a significant percentage of today’s travelers are tech savvy. The stakeholders in the travel industry are trying their best to implement the latest technological trends. Check out the top 10 technology trends that are currently transforming the travel industry.

Travel Technology Trends

  1. Big Data

Several top companies in the travel and hospitality sector have been maximizing big data for some time now. This is because it’s essential for providing a personalized experience whether a customer is traveling for business or pleasure. They use AI tools to gather and analyze data from different sources.

The obtained results can be used to design a marketing strategy and effective brand message. Such brands will know the specific areas to focus on and get huge returns on their investments. Optimum security is guaranteed as they usually take steps to protect the sensitive information of their customers.

  1. Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality

AR and VR are viable tools to improve customer service and experience. They hold great potential, especially in the travel industry. Both trends don’t appear to slow down and there are speculations that they will come with innovative solutions in 2021 and beyond.

VR can offer a 3D view of hotel rooms and travel destinations via a headset. AR is a much cheaper option as users only need their smartphone or tablet. This will help customers to know what to expect once they arrive at their destination and encourage them to make instant decisions. 

  1. Mobile Technology

Mobile technology is here to stay. It is helping travelers to narrow down their choices which were previously overwhelming.  Most tourists use their smartphones to plan their itinerary, research on their vacation and when they see, for example, to book private tours in Chiang Mai. They no longer depend solely on the services of travel agencies when planning their trips.

Budget travelers use mobile devices to discover cool deals on flight tickets and hotel rooms. They can check reviews and ratings of different service providers online and share their experiences with other users. The benefit of mobile technology in the travel industry is endless and more will still be discovered. 

  1. Recognition Technology

Recognition technology has been around for some time. The biometric identification methods such as retina scanning, fingerprint, and facial recognition are also applicable in the traveling and hospitality industry.

This technology is another tool for meeting the varying needs of customers and offering a tailored experience. For instance, some hotels allow tourists to access their rooms via fingerprints. Recognition technology can help to process payment quickly and beef up security in airports and hotels.

  1. Voice Technology

Voice technology keep undergoing a series of improvements in the last few years. It’s not surprising that virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa are now sophisticated than ever before. The rate at which travelers use voice search is increasing and it’s important for brands to leverage this platform.

It usually comes in handy for handling tasks without lifting a finger. Forward-thinking hotels are already using it so that customers can tweak the settings of rooms to suit their taste.

  1. Robotics

The needs and expectations of travelers will continue to evolve. Robotics is a technology that is powered by AI and big data. It can help to make the traveling process engaging as robots garner data to improve customer experience. In addition, it can be used to detect dangerous items in airports. Travel companies will find it easier to conserve their resources and boost efficiency.

Truth be told, robotics hold great potential in the future of the hospitality industry. Experts have predicted that it will assist tourists to carry out different tasks once they arrive at their destination until they check out.

  1. Artificial Intelligence

AI is a major trend that is transforming how businesses interact with customers. Most of the other technologies depend on AI and its subset, ML. It serves as a tool for increasing efficiency and reducing costs by automating repetitive tasks. A typical example includes chatbots which can provide accurate and fast responses to customer queries.

AI tend to learn and become smarter with time. This eliminates the need to rely on human interaction all the time.

  1. Blockchain Technology

Many individuals are still skeptical about blockchain technology due to the various misconceptions that surround it. The technology is applicable in other sectors apart from the fintech industry. Nevertheless, it is still in its early stages in the travel industry. Blockchain technology will help to store and transfer information. More so, it can assist to secure transactions in the nearest future as it’s difficult to tamper with.

  1. Internet of Things

Different travel gadgets that can enhance the experience of tourists keep emerging. The good thing that some of these devices are affordable. Connected devices that rely on sensors are a key element to enhance personalization.

They can be used to control appliances like TV and thermostats in hotel rooms. The hotel management can even receive notifications when such appliances need repair or a replacement. Some airports have started using IOT to trace suitcases. This will provide a lasting solution to the issue of missing suitcases.

  1. Wearable Devices

The rate of adoption of wearable devices like smartwatches and smartglasses was initially slow in the travel industry. Things are changing as progressive travel companies have recognized the importance of providing a customized experience via wearables.

Many travelers of this era won’t mind using wearables during traveling as long as they are convenient and can enhance their experience. Another thing is that it can be used as a communication tool between travel agents and their customers on the go. The technology provides companies with a means to gather useful data.

The traveling industry is never static and it’s one of the sectors that is booming at an unprecedented rate. Travel companies should take these trends seriously if they want to stay ahead of the competition.

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