The Best Online Communities for Hobbies

Among the many attributes of the marvelous internet, one of its most distinctive features is its ability to bring people together. There are many groups and communities that only exist online, and the internet has given these groups a dynamic place to thrive. While there are literally countless examples of active online groups, here are some interesting and unique ones that have become go-to’s for hobbyists.

Goodreads: Book Lovers

Since it’s conception in 2002, Goodreads has been the best place online for book lovers to come together. It has grown through many different evolutions and trends in web design, and thus its a dense and multilayered platform. Of course, typical book reviews and recommendations are there, but it’s also a full-fledged social network. You can follow your friends and see what they are currently reading, and join in discussions about these books.

The Goodreads community section is particularly extensive. Here you can find hundreds of different focus groups with thousands of active participants discussing their favorite genres and authors. With over 90 million registered members, this is not only one of the biggest bookish communities, but one of the biggest online communities in general.

Blackjack The Forum: Blackjack

There are many huge communities centered around the enjoyment of playing online blackjack. While almost every country and region has its own local card game club, once you go online, you can find some of the clear leaders in discussions about blackjack. Here, players share knowledge and strategy, as well as what got them started and what they love about the game.

Blackjack: The Forum is one of these invaluable platforms. For newcomers to the game of blackjack, as well as seasoned professionals, this website is a great meeting place to talk about their interests. There are many threads that have been active for years and are still updated daily showing that this a game that can never truly be mastered. The techniques of top players are dissected here, and there are even threads dedicated to intensive theory and mathematics. In addition, there is a lively discussion about the best countries and casinos to visit while they are perfecting their gameplay.

Overall, this platform may truly be one of the best places for blackjack discussion online. It’s also worth mentioning that it’s a great example of a typical forum-style platform. This exact template has been copied thousands upon thousands of times over the last two decades, proving to be a solid, dependable, and prevalent style.

Rotoworld: Fantasy Sports

Rotoworld is an incredibly useful platform for fans of fantasy sports, as it offers many different tools and resources. The website was first launched in 1998, and it has since become a leader in this growing market. Their forum section has been a meeting place for fantasy sports fans for years, and still receives dozens of daily posts. The many threads here have been invaluable resources for people looking to get into this hobby. Almost all popular fantasy sports are discussed here, from NFL football to basketball and baseball. It’s hard to find a more friendly and knowledgeable group of dedicated fantasy sports fans.

Warrior Forum: Marketing and Entrepreneurs

Warrior Forum is a well-known platform that has been around since 2001. This website was the first step for many people in their pursuit of becoming a self-reliant online entrepreneur. The value here comes from the large community sharing their knowledge and resources on a variety of topics like web design, drop shipping, video marketing, growth hacking, social media, and a lot more. Warrior forums are very active and host a lot of CEOs and self-made millionaires. The information provided is invaluable and Warrior Forum has proven to be an incredible website filled with proven and tested knowledge.

This platform also has a very useful marketplace that connects people from different industries and backgrounds. Here, businesses can look to hire freelancers with specific skills, while simultaneously checking their posting history and reviewing their written contributions to the site. There is an affiliate section that reviews different online affiliate programs, as well as allows you to list your own. For your internet infrastructure needs, there are offers for web hosting and web designers. If you take the time to understand the hierarchy and capabilities of the Warrior Forum, you can have an incredibly powerful and useful tool at your fingertips.

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