The Benefits of Database Hosting

For the longest time, we’ve been used to storing data on-site, especially for those who are dealing with loads of information on a daily basis. But we’ve also been seeing a rapid modernization in the hybrid and cloud database hosting field. In fact, Fortune Business Insights reports the global hosting services market size to go over $83.99 billion in 2021 and estimates this to surpass $267 billion in 2028. With a CAGR of 18% in the forecast, what makes database hosting so beneficial to its users and to the tech industry?

What is Database Hosting?

Back in 2017, the Economist coined data to be the new oil as one of the most valuable resources on Earth. But much like oil, data needs to be extracted, refined, delivered, and stored to make it usable by individuals and organizations alike. Database hosting was developed to do exactly this – they store data in a manner that allows them to be easily accessed, manipulated, and presented to viewers. Modern websites nowadays utilize a database and are created using content management systems (CMS).

Fewer Requirements for Database Hosting

Contrary to what most assume, database hosting isn’t that complicated. It is, of course, helpful to learn more about databases, but unless you plan on hosting a website yourself, it really isn’t mandatory. Oftentimes, you can get started with MongoDB Atlas, which is a third-party Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) that is equipped with the hardware and infrastructure needed to run a database on the cloud. And with a DBaaS, users won’t have to worry about compliance standards such as PCI-ready standards or RAID requirements.

Database Hosting Provides Security

Security is one of the biggest benefits of switching to database hosting. As elaborated in a NetworkWorld article, the adoption of cloud and edge computing technologies has increased users, devices, applications, services, and data in general. This is why it has become crucial to streamline security management. Hosting enterprises put their name on the line on protecting their client’s data, and they do so through monitoring traffic on your database servers and keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity.

Database Hosting Services Are Customizable

Database hosting is not a service limited to businesses and enterprises, as it can be highly customizable. Users are able to customize what database they would prefer to use, as well as the level of support and maintenance they require. For instance, you can choose between relational (SQL) and non-relational databases (NoSQL), and each has its own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to web hosting. In comparison to purchasing physical hardware for specific needs, database hosting can be more flexible.

Database Hosting Services Are Cost-Efficient

Perhaps the most attractive benefit to database hosting is that it’s a more cost-efficient option. In the last decade, a lot of companies have transferred to the cloud with the premise of cheaper running costs. And although it’s possible to host your own databases, hosting companies can mitigate expenses by providing scalable databases and affordable solutions. Costs can vary for hosted databases depending on the depth and detail of service required, so you simply have to choose a hosting plan according to your needs.

Conclusion: The Future of Database Hosting

With its popularity, the market for database hosting is extensive and there are plenty of providers to choose from. It’s important to choose the right one since each company will have its pros and cons. If you’re working with WordPress, for instance, you’ll need a web host that supports it with server-side software. It’s also never a waste to take your time in comparing multiple options, putting the most important features like security and costs first, before looking at bandwidth and storage space, which are often upgradeable.

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