How to Install KALI LINUX on Android

Kali Linux, a Debian-derived Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing, has garnered a reputation for being an essential tool for anyone looking to conduct advanced information security tasks.

However, the prospect of installing Kali Linux on an Android device might seem daunting to some. So, here are methods available for installing Kali Linux on Android, namely NetHunter Rootless, Linux Deploy, and Termux with XFCE4 Desktop Environment.

NetHunter Rootless: The Hassle-Free Approach

NetHunter Rootless is a version of Kali Linux NetHunter that does not require rooting your Android device, thus preserving your device’s warranty and security. It’s a flexible option for those who want to run Kali without modifying their device’s firmware or system partition.

Installation Steps for NetHunter Rootless

  1. Prerequisites: Ensure your Android device is running Android version 2.1 or higher and has at least 5 GB of free space.
  2. NetHunter Store: Install the NetHunter-Store app from the official NetHunter store.
  3. Kali NetHunter App: Through the NetHunter Store, download and install the Kali NetHunter app.
  4. Termux: Install Termux, a terminal emulator, and an environment for Android.
  5. Kali Undercover Mode: Run the command nethunter kexto start the Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience.
  6. Post-Installation: Update Kali with sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y. Be aware that some tools may have restrictions or not work on unrooted phones.

Linux Deploy: The Classic Method

Linux Deploy is a powerful application that allows you to install a full-fledged Linux distribution on your Android device.

Installation Steps for Linux Deploy

  1. Root Your Device: Before proceeding, your device must be rooted to use Linux Deploy.
  2. Linux Deploy App: Download and install the Linux Deploy app from the Google Play Store.
  3. Configuration: Open the app, select Kali Linux as the distribution, and configure the installation settings according to your preferences.
  4. Deployment: Tap the “Install” button to deploy Kali Linux on your Android device. This process may take some time, depending on your internet connection speed.
  5. VNC Server: After installation, set up a VNC server to access the Kali Linux graphical interface remotely.

Termux with XFCE4 Desktop Environment: The Modern Twist

Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works directly with no rooting or setup required. When combined with the XFCE4 desktop environment, it provides a full graphical interface for Kali Linux on Android.

Installation Steps for Termux with XFCE4

  1. Install Termux: Download and install Termux from F-Droid or the Google Play Store.
  2. Setup: Run the setup commands to install the necessary packages and scripts for Kali Linux.
  3. VNC Server: Install and configure a VNC server within Termux to start the XFCE4 desktop environment.
  4. VNC Viewer: Use a VNC viewer app on your Android device to connect to the VNC server and access the Kali Linux desktop.

Things to Know Before Installation

Before embarking on the installation journey, it’s important to understand the implications and requirements of running Kali Linux on your Android device:

  • Legal and Ethical Use: Kali Linux comes with tools that, if used improperly, can lead to serious legal consequences.
  • System Requirements: Ensure your device meets the minimum system requirements for running Kali Linux, such as sufficient RAM and storage space.
  • Security Risks: Be aware of the potential security risks associated with using powerful tools like Kali NetHunter on your Android device.


Installing Kali Linux on an Android device can be a straightforward process if you follow the steps outlined for each method. Whether you choose NetHunter Rootless for a non-rooted approach, Linux Deploy for a classic installation, or Termux with XFCE4 for a modern twist, each method has its own set of advantages.

Always remember to use Kali Linux responsibly and ethically, and ensure that you have a solid understanding of the tools and their intended use. With Kali Linux on your Android device, you will have a powerful suite of security tools at your fingertips, ready to tackle a wide range of cybersecurity challenges.

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