How To Find The Best Company To Buy CBD Pre-Roll From

With CBD companies just popping out like mushrooms all around the US, it’s natural to get confused on who to trust. When you’re a newbie or recently joined the bandwagon, sometimes getting something with CBD stamped on it isn’t enough. There are many things to consider, such as the cannabinoid count, the legality of its THC amount, whether or not it’s organic, gluten-free, dairy-free—the list goes on!

These are all understandable fears a customer might have due to the ongoing scams in the CBD market. Some replace this product with snake oil, others place less than required cannabinoid counts (check it out), or formulas containing unwanted contaminants. These incidents either root from faulty extraction methods, inferior quality hemp, or just general malice.

To protect yourself from any scams, we’ve put together this article to educate and guide you along the journey to CBD.

Why Is CBD Such A Big Deal?

Before you have also asked the same thing, we are happy to impart some information and facts for your knowledge. CBD is known as Cannabidiol, a cannabinoid with many health benefits. It is derived from hemp, a cannabis plant with Cannabidiol occupying half of its cannabinoid count. Thus, above all other cannabis species, hemp is deliberately grown and farmed for CBD products.

Marijuana also has Cannabidiol but in very minimal amounts. However, what it does have is copious amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive sister compound of Cannabidiol. THC can bring benefits the same as CBD, only that it leaves the user stoned. Thus, because of Cannabidiol’s non-psychoactive characteristics, it is preferred over marijuana and THC.

A lot of businesses have come to avoid THC, especially those who provide products for animals. These companies (e.g., provide only high-quality products that follow FDA rules and regulations. Meaning these companies do not put more than the margin FDA gave for THC, nor do they tolerate contaminants in their formula.

What To Look For In CBD Companies

1. Check The Source

It is essential to know the origin of their products, all the way to the soil it was taken from. Sources from local hemp farms around the US are 95% high-quality, and FDA approved. The FDA is strict in implementing growing policies, and farms that don’t follow such guidelines are fined and shut down almost immediately.

If your chosen company has sourced overseas, be sure to check where they source it from as well. Illegally grown hemp from other countries almost always spells trouble. Also, take note that most—if not all—of the time, hemp sourced from outside the US is unregulated and low-quality. The FDA and cannabidiol companies all encourage buyers to support local goods made from local ingredients.

2. Extraction Method Matters

Pure, high-quality CBD can easily be contaminated through the extraction method a company may use. Make sure they only utilize superficial CO2 to derive needed compounds (like Cannabidiol). This method makes sure no residue or additives make it through the resulting product.

Compared to CBD extracted with butane, propane, pentane, and hexane—which leaves harmful contaminants—superficial CO2 leaves Cannabidiol and Cannabidiol alone if they so chose. Avoid any companies that used these other substances to extract their Cannabidiol from hemp.

3. There’s A Label For The Amount Of Cannabidiol

As a reputable company, it is essential to be transparent with their customers. They want to earn the trust of their audience through honest labeling and high-quality goods. As a buyer, look for concentration and cannabinoid count. The higher the percentage, the potent your products become. Though note this only applies to Cannabidiol and not THC.

4. 3rd-party Laboratory Findings And COA

This is a vital part of the list. Ensuring your CBD formula has this can help solidify their reputation and solidify your trust. Through this COA and 3rd-party laboratory testing, you can view how much Cannabidiol is actually in your product and if it matches the label. This means companies making this public will either show dishonesty in their labels or deliver high/low-quality products.

5. THC less than 0.3

THC is a psychoactive cannabinoid, which we already discussed. Thus, it is highly restricted in CBD products (or removed entirely, depending on who is using it) due to its unwanted nature. The FDA has given a margin of no more than 0.3% in formulas. This amount won’t cause someone to get stoned, only to enhance the effect of Cannabidiol on the body.


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