How to Create an Effective Blogger Outreach Strategy

If you have just launched your own business, you will most likely be looking for ways to get more exposure for your brand. One of the most effective ways to do this is by ensuring that you rank as high as possible on the most popular search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Blogger Outreach

How can you go about achieving this?

Two words: blogger outreach.

For those who are not familiar with this term, blogger outreach is the process of working with bloggers or influencersto create original and highly engaging content that benefits the readers and promotes your brand.

It may sound simple, but it is in fact very easy to get wrong, and this can result in damage to your business.

That being said, with the right tools, knowledge and expert advice, you can create an effective blogger outreach strategy that will help your business to grow exponentially.

So, let’s get started.

Identify What You Want to Achieve

Naturally, you want to reach a wider audience, generate leads and ultimately increase sales.But you need to think more specifically about what you want to achieve from this particular digital marketing strategy.

For instance, do you want to rank as highly as possible on Google?

Or, do your priorities lie with increasing the traffic to your website?

Depending on what you want to get from your blogger outreach campaign, you need to tailor your efforts accordingly.

Match Your Audience With the Right Influencers

For the first part of this step, you will need to know your audience inside out; so, if you don’t already, then you should carry out some extensive research on your target market. Once you know who your customers are, you then need to ensure that you pick the right bloggers or influencers that will successfully align with your brand.

There are several tools that you can use to find the right influencers for your business, or you can simply type into Google “top [insert industry here] blogs”.

It is also important to make sure you pick the right type of influencers for what you want to achieve. For example, if you want social media shares, then you need an influencer with a strong social media following.

Contact Your Preferred Influencers

This is a lot more difficult than it looks — not the reaching out per se, but actually getting a response. Unfortunately, the most sought-after bloggers and influencers are bombarded daily with emails from businesses who want to work with them.

Therefore, it is a good idea to look for a digital marketing agency like Click Intelligence who can help you connect with the top bloggers and influencers in your specific industry. A professional blogger outreach service can also provide you with high quality and engaging content that will appeal to bloggers, influencers and potential customers alike.

Track Your Progress

There is little point in investing all this time in creating a solid and effective blogger outreach strategy if you fail to follow up on your campaign’s progress. One of the easiest ways to see if you have increased traffic to your site is by using Google Analytics. You can also identify exactly where your increased traffic is coming from so that you know which bloggers are working best for you and your business.

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