CTF Loader: What is CTF Loader and How to Fix CTF Loader Errors?

You might have seen the process called CTF Loader or ctfmon.exe running in the task manager and you might have thought it to be an error or virus but lets us tell you the first about CTF Loader that it is not a virus and it is harmless. CTF loader is not a virus but it is known to slow down the system often cause errors. If you are trying to solve the errors related to CTF Loader then we have made several ways to disable CTF loader in your PC and how to fix CTF loader errors.

CTF Loader

What is CTF Loader?

Like we’ve said, even though it can cause a few errors, CTF Loader is usually nothing to worry about. But what exactly is it?

As we said in the introduction that CTF loader is nothing to worry about but sometimes it causes some issues like slowing down the system and others. Here, CTF is a short name of “Collaborative Translation framework” and it is responsible for the work related to handwriting and voice recognition on Microsoft Windows programs. You can see the process of it in your ‘Task Manager”.

Usually, CTF loader is not known to causing trouble so you can ignore the process but sometimes when it causes problems to computer’s other processes then you should look into it. Now to resolve the issue you should also need to look into if you are not running a program that relies on the CTF loader controller. There might be a case of a virus disguised as CTF Loader or ctfmon.exe.

How to fix CTF Loader Errors – Learn to Fix CTF Loader Problems

CTF Loader or ctfmon.exe is essential only when activating language bar in Microsoft office but sometimes it does cause problems. It is located at “C:\Windows\System32” in a windows system or in a subfolder of the user’s profile folder or in a folder of temporary files. When you think CTF Loader is causing errors or problems, you can follow any of the methods given below to solve the issues of ctfmon.exe or CTF Loader.

Method 1 – Fix CTF Loader Errors by disabling Touch Keyboard and handwriting Services

When you are having errors related to CTF loader then the first method to fix ctfmon.exe problems is to disable touch keyboard and handwriting services.

  • Open the start menu in your windows and type “Service.msc”
  • Find “Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service” in the list of services that will be shown on the screen.
  • Double click it and click on “Startup Type” Double click on it and then select “Startup Type” and click on “Disable”
  • Now “Apply” and “Save” your changes.

Method 2 – Fix CTF Loader Errors by Deleting the Executables

  • This method is only recommended when you are continuously having CTF Loader error. If you want to use handwriting and voice recognition function in any program then it may be negatively affected.
  • To delete the CTF Loader Executable follow the process given below:
  • Go to your System32 folder, usually located in First, navigate to C:\Windows\System32 and search for ctfmon.exe
  • Right-click on the file and delete it.

Note – If you are using handwriting and voice recognition function or want to use it then we do not recommend this method to solve CTF loader errors.

Method 3 – Fix CTF Loader Errors Controlling ctfmon.exe using the Task Scheduler

This method to solve the CTF loader errors will help you to control while ctfmon.exe is being used and it helps you to avoid problems related to CTF Loader when you are using it.

To control ctfmon.exe use Task Scheduler and you will be able to set the use of CTF Loader. Following is the process of controlling ctfmon.exe from the Windows’ Task Scheduler:

  • Type “taskschd.msc” in the Start Menu
  • Open the Task Schedule Library by clicking twice on it.
  • Select Microsoft => Windows => TextServicesFramwork
  • In the final step select “Disable” after clicking on “MSCTFMonitor”.

With these simple steps, you will be able to control ctfmon.exe without deleting it and you can enable it according to your need.

Some viruses may disguise as ctfmon.exe or CTF Loader. In such issue, troubleshooting given above may not work so you need to run your antivirus frequently to keep safe your computer before they harm your system.

Final Words

Next time you see a process running in your Task Manager named CTF Loader or ctfmon.exe then don’t panic and first try to scan your system with antivirus if it is a virus then your antivirus will deal with it but still you are having these errors related to CTF Loader then you can fix the issue with any of the methods given in the article according to your preference and need. If you have any suggestion or feedback regarding this post or our website then you can contact us through the comment box.

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