BlueStacks 4: Download Latest Version for Windows 7/10/8.1 [Setup 32-bit & 64-bit]

I guess you have used BlueStacks 3 on your Windows PC a lot. Now, the time has come to download BlueStacks latest version 4 on your Windows 7/10/8.1 for 32-bit & 64-bit. As we know that BlueStacks is the best Android gaming platform for PC with 6x faster than the Samsung Galaxy S9+, you should have gotten your hands by BlueStacks 4 download to enjoy all new features of the platform.

Since PUBG mobile like games has created a buzz among users from around the world, many people have started using the BlueStacks to play all new high-end Android games on PC. Considering the latest trend of battle royal games, the BlueStacks has released the BlueStacks 4 latest version for Windows 7/10/8.1 for 32-bit and 64-bit with some nifty features to let gamer play with more fun. So, here we are gonna show how you can download BlueStacks 4 on Windows 7/10/8.1 and use some new features of BlueStacks latest version!

Well, here we will show some new features of BlueStacks 4 and how you can use Bluestacks offline installer of the latest version to install and play high-end games without any pause.

How To Download BlueStacks 4 on Windows 7/10/8.1 [32-bit & 64-bit]

Before you are gonna see the process of BlueStacks 4 download, you should check some BlueStacks 4 features. So, below are some new features of BlueStacks latest version.

What is the latest version of Bluestacks?

Version name: BlueStacks 4

File size: 408.00 MB


Last updated: 10/10/2018

Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2000, Windows 10, Windows 8.1.

Languages: English

Download count (All Languages while writing this post):4,365,646 

What’s new on BlueStacks 4?

High Performance

  • 6x faster performance than Samsung Galaxy S9+
  • 8x faster performance than BlueStacks 3

Simpler UI and The New Interface

  • Use BlueStacks for playing or do more: The choice is yours
  • Core game playing function as part of main UI
  • Add-on Features like BlueStacks Store, Quests, available at will, consume resources only once launched

New and Improved Keymapping

  • Manage key controls with the all-new Game Controls Window
  • Key Controls divided into categories for easier navigation
  • Play with default controls or create based on your own preference

BlueStacks Multi-instance

  • Playing multiple games from multiple Google Play Accounts at once
  • Playing the same game from Multiple accounts
  • Huge Potential for unlocking rewards in RPGs with Multi-instance

BlueStacks Store and BlueStacks Points

  • Earn BlueStacks Points by playing your favourite games on BlueStacks
  • Get exciting items from the BlueStacks Store in exchange of BlueStacks Points
  • Get access to the exclusive Pro Gamer Series of gaming tools

Download Bluestacks 4 for windows 10/7/8.1: Bluestacks offline Installer for PC

Step 1: First, Need to Download the Bluestacks 4 offline installer or Setup for 32-bit & 64-bit Windows PC.

Step 2: Double-click on the Install Now button.

Download the Bluestacks 4

Step 3: Now you can click on Install now button and it will automatically start installing BlueStacks 4 on your Windows PC.

Step #4: Once it has done, click on “Complete” it will automatically launch your Bluestacks 4 Gaming Platform.

download BlueStacks 4

Step 5: Now launch your Bluestacks 4 Gaming Platform and start playing Android games on Windows PC.

Step 6: That’s it.

If you already installed the Bluestacks, then you can also update Bluestacks latest version by following below steps.

How to upgrade to latest version of BlueStacks 4

  • If you are using Bluestacks or above on your PC, then can direct visit the Bluestacks official page and double-clicking on BlueStacks 4 offline installer to get the new update.
  • If you are using Bluestacks version less than “” but greater than or equal to “” then you will have to upgrade to BlueStacks version by downloading and double-clicking the installer from page. Once this upgrade is successful, follow the steps as described above.
  • If you installed Bluestacks less than “” then you will have to follow the above procedure to use the Bluestacks latest version on Windows PC.

Final Words

Hope you have followed the above guide properly and download Bluestacks 4- the latest version on your Windows 7 or 10 or 8.1 computer. Once after using the BlueStacks 4 on your Windows 32-bit or 64-bit PC, please do not forget to share your experience in comments about the BlueStacks latest version. We will appreciate your reply!

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