What is the best time to post on Instagram

You are here, that means you are a social geek guy who worries about the response to his/her posts on social media. There is nothing wrong with it. Some experts may call it a disorder or whatever on the YouTube videos but let me tell you the fact that they are also worrying about views on their videos. So nothing wrong in it. Sometimes you have noticed that you have posted a very good photo or video (you have done a lot of work to make it better) on Instagram and it didn’t get much response and the other time just a random time a normal content gets a large audience engagement. So what is the logic behind and how can we get more likes on Instagram by posting the content on the best time of the day.

Best time to post on Instagram

Sometimes it may happen that you have just created your best piece of Instagram content you spent so much time on it in every single way. You’ve written a great caption that’s going to stop your audience mid scroll. You’ve done all the groundwork and know that this is the particular post that your audience is going to love. So by this time you are ready to share your latest and greatest creation, you’ve hit the publish button without realizing the most crucial parts, you published at the wrong time and your audience misses your post. We’ve all been there before scratching our heads wondering why it didn’t work. Especially, when you did everything right but maybe it’s not you maybe you just got really excited and trigger-happy and you just published when your audience wasn’t online but here’s the good news it’s completely avoidable.

Here in this post, we are going to tell you how to know what is the best time to post on Instagram with some factors to ensure that your Instagram post gets the attention and engagement it deserves. If you want to promote your business on Instagram, these things will help you.

  1. First up post when your followers are the most active

We know it seems obvious but, this is an easy one to miss. HubSpot found on average the best time to publish on Instagram is at 1 PM and 5 PM, during lunchtime and at the end of a typical working day. Business to business organizations have the most times of high click-through rates to choose from 12 PM to 1 PM 5 PM to 6 PM and even as late as 8:00 PM to 9 PM when people are winding down.

  1. What is the best day to post on Instagram?

Want to guess the best day to post? It’s Friday! This is the obvious thing even a normal person knows (Well, I know it since I was in college). At the weekend, almost everybody is free and they have their phone in hands with scrolling the feeds of their friends. So on such days, you can get more audience for your post. But still, this is not always true as sometimes content posted on weekends also gets a lukewarm response so what’s the other thing.

  1. Know your audience (Instagram followers)

By now you are probably asking yourself what about the algorithm? But we will get into that later. If you’re posting when your followers are the most active, your content will start gaining momentum faster, pushing itself up to the top of the feed and resulting in more interactions. If you post during a slow time or your followers’ activities are very low, you are not going to get as much of the interactions that you want and therefore Instagram will push your post further down where people won’t be able to see it. So how do you know when your audience will see it?

Check your Instagram Insight. Insight is the best feature by Instagram to know your audience. According to researches, 64% of Instagram users are between the ages of 18 and 29 years old. So just keep this in mind when you’re posting content and don’t forget to check out your own Instagram insights to see specifics about your personal audience. But when it comes to making your content go far, you really need to create content that resonates with your audience. In order to do that you have to get more information about your audience and the Instagram Insight is the best to know at which time most of your followers are active.

How to create Insight on your Instagram account

You probably have checked your profile and setting and Instagram profile but you might haven’t seen it. So here we should tell you that you have to have a business or professional Instagram account. How do that? The process is given here.

Step #1: Open profile on your Instagram mobile app and tap on the three horizontal lines located at the top right corner.

Step #2: This will open various menus. Tap on “Settings” and then select “Accounts.”

Step #3: At the bottom of the screen, you can see an option saying “Switch to Professional Account.”

Step #4: Now you have to select whether you want to create a professional account as a “Creator” (artist, actor, politician, blogger, etc) or a “Business”. So select whichever is relevant in your terms.

Step #5: You have to fill up the necessary things on the next several screens and you are good to go.

Note: This will not change the way you use your Instagram but it is good to know what the best time to post on Instagram is.

You can just find the “Insight” option by tapping on the same horizontal lines and select “Insights.” Here, you can assess everything about your profile, such as Content, Activity, and Audience. It will also show at which time your followers are most active. So you can know the best time to post on Instagram to get maximum likes.

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