3 Best Call Recording Apps in 2023

There are many situations where recording a telephone conversation can be a lifeline for you. Even in everyday life, tools that allow you to record calls can play a powerful role. Not everyone needs to use advanced enough programs, because, for personal use, you may want to simply record a few conversations and save them for yourself to listen to later.

For example, if your wife or mother calls you and asks you to go to the grocery store to buy products, then sometimes our memory plays tricks on us and we can lose sight of something. In order not to make additional calls and not waste your time you can just open the recording of the last call and listen to everything again.

However, the greatest benefits of such applications are for companies that interact with a large number of customers. Any information that one of your managers can forget can cost you your reputation and, as a result, a decrease in the number of customers.

In this article, we will talk about the possibilities that such applications can provide for your business, as well as share three of the most effective and advanced, but as simple as possible applications that you can install today.

Obvious benefits for any company

Before you start using any app, you must consult your compliance officer, who will tell you in detail about your capabilities.

Detection of problem points in communication with clients

Managers can skip points of the scripts that proved to be efficient, or incorrectly record information that buyers report, and therefore you can find many problem areas in your working processes.

By recording all conversations, you can track how effective the communication and qualifications of managers are. If problems are found, you will be able to fix all problems as quickly as possible.

Individual approach to each client

Many companies use special software that allows them to manage customer relationships. Such programs store already known information about users. Thanks to such data, you have the entire history of communication with a particular client. Recorded telephone conversations expand this knowledge base so that next time the manager can provide a personalized approach and offer services or products following the wishes of the client.

Dealing with unscrupulous buyers

Companies providing services and goods often face conflict situations with customers. As we know, the customer is king and in case of conflicts, despite the words of the company, decisions are made in favor of customers.

Not all complaints are always justified and therefore so that your company does not lose face, all the data that you record will be able to provide irrefutable evidence of your innocence.

Tracking the quality of connection 

The equipment and phone systems you use to communicate with customers can sometimes create additional communication problems. Such applications allow you to check the quality of the connection and notify managers of problems.

3 Powerful Applications


It’s great when you get what you pay for. This is one of the main advantages of the MightyCall application. The developer company does not declare opportunities that it does not provide. This simple and convenient application is actively used by over 1000 different companies from different fields of activity.


  1. The most convenient interface

2. Cloud virtual application

You can get access to the program wherever you are and all the changes will be recorded in real-time. That is, you can have both employees in the office and employees who work remotely.

3. Ability to use on two main operating systems

The application can be easily installed on your smartphone, and you will be able to view all relevant information and all operations performed.

4. You do not need to pay for additional services

By purchasing a solution package for your company, your functionality is not limited. You will have access to all the features offered by the company.

5. Task scheduling

The ability to schedule tasks makes life easier for every employee. You can mark tasks in the system for each employee in advance so that they understand how much work needs to be done. In addition, you can track the execution of set tasks.

6. Setting up a virtual assistant

Depending on the problems your customers may be experiencing, you can record automatic voice messages that will be reported to each caller. You can record such messages in unlimited quantities and distribute them to different phone numbers. In addition, a call forwarding function is available in case one of the numbers is unavailable. Thus, your customers will always be able to contact you.


  • Lack of integration with other third-party applications;
  • Inability to manage call groups.


If you don’t want to add another complicated application to all the programs you work with, then OpenPhone is what you need. This is a great tool that will allow you to manage all incoming and outgoing phone calls. In addition, all functions are available both on smartphones and in the desktop version.


  1. Ability to manually and automatically record calls

For convenience, you can set up automatic call recording so you don’t forget to do it. If you do not need this feature, then during an incoming call, you will see a panel where you can press the record button.

  • Voicemail transcription

If you do not have time to answer any call, then each client will be able to leave a voice message for you, which you will not need to listen to after, since you can read the transcription of the recording.

  • Automatic answers to missed calls

You will be able to customize the messages that your users will receive when they cannot reach you.

  • Ability to customize group messages


  • Lack of landline phone support;
  • Lack of identification of the callers, if they are not recorded in the phone book;
  • Long number porting.

Cube ACR

This is an advanced and powerful application that is perfect for small companies. Cube ACR, like the above applications, is easy to use and you do not have to learn its functionality for a long time to get started.


  1. Ability to work with third-party programs

If you actively use programs such as WhatsApp or Skype in your workflows, then you can easily use this application to record calls.

  • Setting contacts for automatic recording

If there are people, conversations with which must be recorded, then you can combine them into one group, and conversations with these contacts will be recorded automatically.

  • High-quality recording

When listening to the recordings, you will be able to recognize the speech of the interlocutors, which will allow you to get complete information about the conversation.


  • Not available for iOS;
  • Cloud storage is paid;
  • Privacy protection only with premium purchase.


Applications that allow you to record phone calls can be useful both in everyday life and for business. Various companies will be able to improve the quality of their service, provide a personalized approach for each client, and quickly detect and fix any problems.


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